Chapter 31: A Silent Battle Without Collateral Damage

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Camila's look:

Natasha Volkova:

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Natasha Volkova:

Natasha Volkova:

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June 6th, 2032
Sunday 12:15pm - Brickell, Miami, FL

"Easy...easy. Let it all out, you'll be okay. You're gonna be fine."

Chris used wide circular motions to rub his sister's back while she hurled nothing but bile into the toilet bowl. Anytime she'd stop, thinking it was finally over, more came—as if her throat wasn't already suffering enough. Lauren made a habit of keeping a bottle of shampoo next to her, and squeezed the melon scented air into her nostrils in order to mask the other horrible scent that influenced her to vomit more. She caught her breath and gently pushed her brother away as she weakly fell back and hit her head against the wall. The colour was gone from her face with the exception of red around the skin of her eyes, and you could see she lost more than a few pounds over the course of three weeks.

With a heaving chest, Lauren briefly closed her eyes and prayed to any God for this to be over. They opened upon hearing the clicking of heeled ankle boots growing near and entering the bathroom. The 5'7" woman created a distance between Chris and Lauren then crouched to her level, ripped open a small packet then took the wet cloth of rubbing alcohol and held it to Lauren's nose.

"This should help. Still feel nauseous?"

"A little," whispered Lauren, a little incoherent.

She spoke to Chris in Russian, waving her hands around, making strong gestures that matched her tone of voice and Chris responded back in her native tongue; he picked up the language while on a long business trip in Russia, networking with investors there for JPG three years ago, so he knew enough but wasn't fluent. This woman, Natasha Volkova, was a current employee of Jauregui Property Trust whom Chris was very good friends with and trusted a great deal. She was here to assist Lauren with her work in her minor part of the company until she got better, and was paid extra by Chris to take care of his sister (she had been a nurse before) because she was fit to handle certain things better than Winston currently could.

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