Chapter 12: Keep That Same Energy

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A/N: Welcome back, bitches. There is a possibility for a double update, as I have a lot of stuff planned for the characters and inspiration. Even some returns. Are we ready?



March 24th, 2032
Monday, 7:00am - Pinecrest, Miami

When Camila woke up for real this time to actually start her day, she briefly recalled flashes of Lauren leaned over her body while seated beside her, caressing her skin and peppering sweet kisses all over her arms and face. Camila couldn't remember all that Lauren has said because she was whispering and Camila was still practically asleep, but she did remember Lauren leaving a note for her to read before she left for work. The sun shone through the curtains and highlighted the shiny white marble floor of their bedroom, and the birds sang a new song just outside her window to encourage a good mood. Camila stretched out her limbs and smiled as she did as a natural reaction. Her body felt light today and so did she.

Rolling over in the satin beige and purple sheets, Camila reached for the folded slip that had a tiny picture perfect heart drawn on the cover, then fell onto her back again so she could read in her own comfort. Before opening it, she brought the paper to her face and breathed in the scent of Lauren's rosewater perfume she left lingering. Lord have mercy, her scent was so addicting—it was damn near impossible to focus on the task at hand and give up smelling it so much. Eventually Camila moved on to open it and read the letter. In perfect handwriting with scripted words:

'Good morning, Osito. I've decided to write you this little letter initially because you're always so out of it whenever I wake you up to have a conversation before I go to work very early in the morning - which means you miss out on all the good & important things I have to say to you. You always nod and hum and mumble in response, you sometimes slur your speech or say things you never seem to remember, and you never fail to shush me and yank me back into bed with you as if I'm not already running late. This morning I wanted to stop by for coffee to help boost my energy and wake me up, but I didn't have the time so I just kissed your lips instead and was gifted the same effects. Thank you for that. You are now my tiny cup of espresso. Deal with it. But anyways, to keep from rambling on & on, I didn't want to leave you without reminding you of the things I say to you when you're half asleep. This is the point of this letter...or was supposed to be. Kinda still is. But it's shifted, and now I've decided to write you one every morning for the sole purpose of making you feel my love.

Reminders: 1) We have an appointment this Wednesday with a psychologist for Blaire at 12:00pm. 2) You have five appointments back to back starting at 9:30am and ending around 2-3:00pm. I will pick up the kids while you're busy with your patients. Haha, I struggled with the spelling for a minute there and almost wrote down 'patience' - something you lack. Don't kill me, I know that wasn't a free insult. I'll pay for it later. ANYWAY. 3) I forgot when Catalina has her dance lessons, please remind ME so that I can take her. 4) Stop using mouthwash, Blaire and I are super sensitive to the smell. Not like you can still use it anyway, she hid one bottle and I threw out the other. Thanks.

Oh, and be ready by 4:20 (blaze it) so we can go to therapy. I am also picking you up. Alejandro will watch the kids.

Reason why I love you: Every day you will be given a new reason. At the final reason, I will have a very special and sentimental prize waiting for you. Can you guess what that prize might be? I'll give you a hint. *A dance down memory lane*.

So here goes the first reason: It feels right and it makes sense. You make sense. We make sense. Everything about our lives together makes sense. Even when we're wrong, it still feels right. Never in all my 31 years of living has loving you felt wrong. I don't have a lot of time to be getting all poetic and shit, but just know that I will gladly super glue myself to you if possible because I want to be stuck with you forever. Nobody but you, baby.

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