Chapter 5: Part 1 Pussy Fairy

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Details: LWAM, Assassin, tall women, millionaire, foster/adoption

POV: Camila Ortega

It all started with a large orphanage in the middle of nowhere. Since I was a young girl, this was the only place I knew my whole life. The older I got, the more I realize it wasn't just any random orphanage. If a family didn't adopt you by the age of twelve, you loaded onto a bus and taken elsewhere. I didn't know where they took them until my twelfth birthday. I thought I would've been adopted by then, but every time a family showed interest in me, they would never show up again. They always seemed to have disappeared.

It made me feel useless and unworthy of being adopted. All I wanted was a family that loved me because all I had was love. I didn't have money or a special talent, but at least I had love. I had plenty of friends at the orphanage, but the kind of love I got from them was different. I wanted to have faith till the very end, but how could I when I was no more than a bastard. Once my twelfth birthday hit, I waved goodbye to all the new kids that came to the orphanage and prayed that this new path led me to better things.

All the other kids and I who were also twelve and weren't adopted were loaded onto a bus that brought us somewhere. None of us would've imagined where the bus would drop us off at. It was a school for training high-quality assassins. We learned how to use knives, guns, bombs, anything lethal, you name it, we trained with it. Our bus wasn't the only one though three other busses pulled up behind ours. The second we got out of the bus, they stripped us of our bags, made us get in single file lines, then split the girls and the boys up.

When they took us out separate ways they had us strip. It was so inhuman having the guards watch us as young women strip. After we all had removed our clothing, we had to line up again and get our hair cut. Everyone had their hair cut to 14in long, and once our hair was cut we were given a uniform. We were required to change where we stood in the all-black uniform. It felt like a prison the way we were already being treated from the beginning. Once everyone was changed, we were all escorted into a large area where the boys were already lined up. We were all scared silent. No one dared to talk. It was so quiet you could hear the people next to you breathing.

"Welcome children to the TOKAA Academy, I am your principal Madam Antoinette. Today you'll be put in your dorms and taking a test to see how advanced you are. I hope that everything goes alright! The teachers here will help you through the rest now. Anyone questions?" One girl rose her hand slowly into the air.

"Oh, look at what we have here. What's your question, dear."

"What if I don't want to?" Madam A started laughing hysterically, which gave me goosebumps."Oh, she's bold. Well, I guess I'll make an example out of you. Listen to me boys, and girls. If you don't obey me, and my sergeants then this is what will happen." She walked up to the little girl, pulled out her knife, and slit her pinky clean off her hand. The little girl started screaming as blood was spurting out from the nub that was left.

"Anyone else wants a spin? I didn't think so. Next time you'll learn never to defy me, little girl. Will you be a dear and clean this up, sergeant Ann?" All the kids were gasping and trembling as they saw the girl's pinky on the floor lifeless. The tall woman wore the little girl's blood on her face like a trophy. She was wearing blood-red from head to toe. It hid the blood that was on her shirt from slicing the girl's fingers off. She elegantly walked away without another word. The only thing that was heard for a minute more was the sound of her heels clicking against the tile floor. They decrescendo as she walked away evilly. The girl was taken away from the rest of the group, and the blood was cleaned up immediately.

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