Chapter 8: Part 1 Computer Love

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Details/ TW: BWWM, trans man, plus size woman, gamer girl, hate crime, sexist, fat-shaming

POV: Axel Bennett

As I walked out of the game store I saw from the corner of my eye a group of guys watching my every move. They stood there with their muscles bulging and clouds of dense smoke covering their face. The second I stepped on the paved parking lot, they started following me. Instead of leading them to my car, I took them in a different direction. I thought they would stop following me, but they ended up following me wherever I led them. I pretended to reach for the car door, but even before I could open it, one of the guys smacked my keys out of my hands.

"What's your issue!" I tried to say confidently.

"You. We know your secret." My heart immediately sunk giving me a hollow feeling.

"W-what are you talking about, I don't even know you people."

"Oh, but we know you. You're a famous YouTuber who goes by the name of PixelAx El, your house is 372 Potnedem Ave, and lastly, you're a he-she. A little tranny thing. You know we used to look up to you as a pro gamer until we found out that your spreading AIDS and HIV." I started sweating profusely at their statement because I had never told anyone about my secrets, and they also managed to find my address to my home.

"I don't think that's how it works, but I'm a guy j-just like you all. I'm a part of the boys. I'll only like pussy, monster trucking, and heavy lifting." I tried with every bone in my body to act like a straight cisgender man, but I couldn't. Only two things were correct. I am a transgender man, and I do like pussy. They started laughing and approaching slowly.

"So what's your pronouns tranny, that/thing or let me guess it." They all started laughing and took larger steps towards me.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you like me or something, weirdo? I bet if we pour holy water on this thing it will return to its original form." I feared for my life at this moment. I couldn't move, breathe, or even speak. All I could do was stand there and look at the stars above me. They were cussing and calling me names as they walked closer to me. One of them came up to my face started touching on me, and pushing his growing bulge against me. He pretended like he was punching me, but he was groping me and kissing me.

"You like that, huh?" That's when I drew the line. They could cuss at me all they wanted, but when he pushed himself against me, I felt so disgusting and uncomfortable. I shoved him back and hit him with an uppercut. He stumbled back and fell over holding his face. His friends looked at me then started to attack me. The other guy that I knocked back got back up and joined them in beating me up. I couldn't even see anything. All I could feel was the subtle air of their punches and kicks flying towards my stomach and abdomen. I had already given up and accepted the fact that I might die today. All because I know who I am, and they can't change it.

My eyes were so swollen that they were almost closed shut. I could feel blood, sweat, and tears trickling down from my head, nose, and mouth. The sharp pains continued until suddenly, the moonlight finally touched my skin. I could vaguely see a figure fight off all the guys who had corned me. The person proceeded to hoist me up and carefully take me into their car. They got in the car, and I could feel we had started driving and speeding through the streets. Two minutes into the car ride in this stranger's car, I blacked out.

* two weeks later*

I felt very heavy and sharp pains. I opened my eyes and bright sunbeams shined in my eyes. I was so confused and overwhelmed with everything that was going on. I tried to get up and go, but I was connected to a lot of machinery, and I had a cast on my leg, and I couldn't even feel my feet. As soon as I set myself up, the nurses rush into my room and try to get me to lay back down. They checked my vitals and mental state to make sure that I was completely alright.

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