Chapter 3: Part 1 Wild Thoughts

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Details: BWLM, Boss, Possessive, bullying

POV: Brealin Dwellings

The disaster all started the first day of the second semester of my jr. year of high school. All the classes that I had finally got used to were all switched around. I didn't have any of my friends with me in the new schedule they gave me. I was all alone with all the people that hated me my entire life. Like how coincidental is it that the girls who bullied me since elementary school are in all of my classes? Winnie and Francesca were their names. The two stereotypical girls who have nothing better to do with their life than to bully others.

They bullied me because I have vitiligo. Vitiligo is a loss of pigment within your skin since the skin cells that control pigment are dying. They played these sick games with me, where whoever was bold enough to touch me would get paid twenty dollars. They also played a little game called "the clown touch." The game consisted of everyone running from me trying not to be touched. They made me feel like a monster. They made me feel like I was more of a science experiment than a human being. I tried standing up for myself, but it always backfired.

I tried telling adults around me, but their excuses were always "There children they don't know any better." I was also a child... it wasn't an excuse. I knew better, so what stopped them from knowing better too. Everyone called me a disease for all of my elementary experience. In middle school, it didn't even get any better. They even spread a rumor that is was contagious, and people started putting hand sanitizer on my things, or they would spray me with Lysol. No one wanted to be in a group with me or sit with me because they were afraid they would be affected.

Middle school was so toxic for me that for a small fraction of time I believed them when they said vitiligo was contagious. I secluded myself from other people. I even showered for hours, attempting to scrub the white off my skin. I wanted to be "normal" so bad. I didn't want to be different. No one wanted to be my friend because they were all convinced that their skin would lose color too. I spent most of my life hating myself because of how my skin looked. I always thought, "why can't I be normal like everyone else." I didn't learn how to love myself until the eighth grade. That's also the year I met my first friend, Kayla.

Once I stop looking at my skin as disease, but apart of me, so many doors opened up. I stop letting adults downplay my feelings, and I stop letting those bullies step on me. I am a proud African American woman who has vitiligo, and you know what I wouldn't change that for the world. I am proud of who I am, and these girls seem to hate it so much. Winnie and Francesca started walking my way, and I already knew to prepare myself mentally for the bull shit.

"Hey, what's up. We haven't spoken to you since like middle school!" I ignored them and their dumb antics. I don't even want to associate myself with these dodo birds. Winnie ripped my headphone out of my ear and held it captive.

"We're talking to you, multicolor."

"Don't touch me ever again, Winnie, or your eye will be multicolored. I heard you, but I don't speak fifty shades of stupidity. So fuck off." I gave a sarcastic smile and snatched headphones back from Winnie.

"You think just because we're in high school your invincible or something. Don't lose sight of your place jigabo." I stood up from my seat and got in Winnie's face.

"Excuse me bitch. Fuck did you just call me..."

"You heard me. I said Jig. A. Bo."

"You think you funny or sum. I let you slide for so fucking long, Winnie, it's about time I showed you not to fuck with me." I thought she just didn't want any problem because she started backing up turns out the teacher walked in and was gawking right at me.

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