Chapter 4: Part 2 Pillow Talk

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Details: BWBW, Princess, LGBTQIA+

Warning⚠️: it's going to get explicit please don't read if you know you won't like it 😃👍🏽.

POV: Odessia Gardenia

I was so scared, but also so angry that they kept this kind of information from me. It was my life I should've has at least a say in it. As soon as we got out of the plane the army graveled at my feet.

"Your highness Odessia welcome back to Gardenia. It is an honor to be in your presence. Your parents will be so happy that you came here safely." I stayed quiet as I observed all the guards bowing their heads towards me. They all got back up and went back into formation.

"Greek and Rome, our greatest warriors welcome back."

"Thank you, Titus."

We arrived at the large Palace doors. Tall mighty marble architecture stood in between me and my biological parents. My heart was surprising still, but I couldn't control my queasy feeling that was taking over my stomach. I turned around to Rome, Greek, and JJ and hugged them tightly.

"When I walk in there everything will be different, but I just wanted to say that I love every single of you with all of my heart. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to take care of me." I started tearing up but hid it when stuffing my face in Rome's shoulder. I wanted to be strong for once in my life and I knew this was the moment. As soon as I turned back around the army opened the door and revealed a vast empty ballroom.

"Your parents are in a secret location so that they are away from danger. I'll take them from here." Wow, so my biological parents are those kinds of rulers... the cowardly kind who hide behind an army.

"You are very kind Titus," Greek said. The army that was now protecting me had left my side at the slight hand gesture Titus made. We walked in altogether as Titus lead us into a corridor.

"Now I know you guys have been together for a long time, but the king and queen only want the Princess beyond this point."

"Oh really now?" Greek said while gripping the gun that was attached to her hip. Rome caught on and put his hands behind his back ready to draw his knife. AJ also put her hands in her pocket ready to draw her knife.

"It's funny that you say that Titus. Your act would've been spot on if you hadn't said that. It's funny you say these kinds of things because the King and Queen told us to always be with her till she's safely in their arms and never leaves the Princess alone and especially to watch out for you..."

"What act Greek? I'm just being a good little pawn." Titus smirked and got closer to me. Titus grabbed me then held a knife to my neck.

"Move any closer and there will be enough blood to fill an ocean."

"Only blood that will be shed is your Titus... your days of playing both sides of the fence are over." As soon as they stepped forward Titus pressed the blade against me until it was piercing my skin. leaving blood dripping down my neck onto the stainless marble floor. I could feel him pressing against my windpipes making it harder for me to breathe. As I was standing there staring at Greek and Rome I looked at AJ and remembered what she taught me when we were younger. It was risky, but I did it anyway. I elbowed Titus in the gut and stomped on his foot. He fell in agony leaving his blade unguarded. He looked up at me and I looked at him and we both started scurrying for the blade. I got it before he could then threw the blade at Rome. He caught it with his hand right before it passes him.

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