Love On The Rocks.

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      She never would have believed it but somehow she got through the whole day without seeing Patrick. Not once has she caught a glimpse of the tall malicious boy, not in the halls, nor classrooms, neither by her locker, zero sight on the bleachers or under, he was nowhere. She couldn't have been more relieved by that too.

   Although she did see a lot of Belch, they hung out in study hall and at lunch and yet she never had the urge to ask where they're grunge boy was. Although Victor was at school too, he has polar opposite classes from them. At first Victor would complain and wine about it all day but he seemed to just have sucked it up and thug it out.

  Smiling at the thought of her blonde friend, she stopped at her locker to put her books away and grab her denim jacket. Sighing as she was content with her thoughts, a body slammed against the locker next to hers, instantly making her jump out of her skin. Breathing in deeply though to collect her nerves as she slowly side eyed the culprit of her fright.

   "Ready to leave?" Victor's voice rang out, sighing in relief as she was suspecting to see Patrick standing there. Slapping on a smile though with all the repose she felt, nodding her head making the curls shake slightly.

"We're going to go and see Henery before we go back to my place, just want to see how he's doing before be comes in tomorrow." He says as they start walking out of the schools exit to meet up with Belch. 'Wonderful...... guess it can't get any worst though.' As she just thought that she looked up and seen Patrick and Gretta all over one another in the backseat, '........Whatever.'

Stopping and hesitating as she blinked a couple times like she was trying to jog her brain to think of a way to get out of this but Victor was pulling her by the arm. Pretty much giving her no way out as they reached the car and the newly couple stopped they're actions to avert they're attention unto her.

Patrick's smirk looked like he was pleased with the emotion he was pulling from her and swallowing up in pleasure. Giving him the nastiest look she could give out and scrapping her attention back to Victor, not paying an ounce of attention to the blonde whore in the back seat where she should be sitting.

"Sorry Bev, I know you and Henry don't get along so well but he's still our pal..... hope you understand." Belch spoke out with pity from the drivers seat.

"Of course, it's fine." She forced a smile to him, reassuring him there's no hard feelings as she followed Victor around to the passenger side door.

"Aww kitten, you don't want to sit on daddy's lap." Patrick spoke out, earning a smack to the chest by Gretta who's jealousy showed through like a girl wearing leggings that barely fit, so as she bent over the fabric would stretch, revealing what any loving father would want to cover. Yet Patrick showed no reaction or response to the smack at his body as he stared on at Beverly, his facial expression becoming more and more serious than amused.

Ignoring him though and sitting on Victor's lap instead in the passenger seat, she could feel his attention burning holes into her as they drove on down the road. Gretta yearning for his attention as she wined and complained that he wasn't at all entertaining her, still he ignored her. Ignored her like she was some annoying little sibling instead of his girlfriend.

Finally though the car came to a long dirt driveway, turning in and slowly settling halfway on the dirt path to a decent looking home. Seemingly to be Henry's house, Beverly sighed as she got a little nudge from Victor to help her up and out of the vehicle. Linking her arm through his as they walked up to the house as she heard Patrick practically slam the door hard and loud getting out.

"Uuuuugggghhh, easy on the door Pat!!" Belch winced out hard as he looked at his pride and joy worried. Although Patrick heard his friends plea he still ignored and looked at Beverly's closeness to Victor, not helping Gretta out of the car or caring to. Leaving her to glare at him as she didn't seem to appreciate what little attention or care she was receiving from the boy.

Once they reached the porch the front door instantly opened, revealing a very exhausted Henry.

"Hey man, how you doing?" Belch asked as he watched Henery sit down in one if the porch chairs, everyone else following suit. Yet sense there wasn't enough chairs Beverly ended up sitting on Victor's lap once more. Throwing her legs to dangle over the arms on the chair they were in.

"Not bad, suprised to see you guys though." Henry's response brought an odd look to Victor and Belches face.

"Whatcha mean, we told you we were coming by." Victor said with confusion, receiving a shake of the head from Bowers.

"I'm talking about the ladies." He smirked at Beverly and Gretta. Gretta smirked back at him while Beverly stared blankly at the odd boy.

"Ladies? I only see one lady." Belch laughed out as he made that insult towards Gretta. Victor couldn't help but snicker while Patrick sat there with his same cold look that he had since they got there. Again not giving a damn for Gretta's feelings.

"Shut the fuck up Jackass!!" Gretta sneered at Belch, making him want to laugh even more, but earning a kick to the shin by Henry. Henry was too exhausted to listen to the arguing so for his sake Belch stopped. Although, per say, Beverly did feel for Gretta. It wasn't easy to be the girl that no one stands up for, comfort, and love you in certain times. Especially if that someone is a boy that your intimate with.

Fidgeting with the cotton material of her dress, she glanced up at her former boyfriend. Instantly having a regretful knot in the pit of her stomach as she did the action, seeing and catching Patrick has been staring intently at her as well. The weight of his eyes and the feel of his thoughts were weighing on her chest like an elephant and on her shoulders like the world. She felt like a carnie mouse, meek, shy, and afraid.

  Being taken from her thoughts as soon as Victor patted her leg, motioning for her to stand up. Of course she was a bit confused as to why everyone was getting up so fast and started flowing down the porch steps, including Henry.

  "What are we doing?" Beverly asked, looking to Victor.

"We're going to the quarry, it's a pretty Hot day today, I could use a cool down." Victor sighed as he ran a hand through his blonde hair, laughing at his comment Beverly covered her mouth with her hand to try and muffle it.

"Your not that hot Vic." Beverly laughed out as he sent her a scowl and rolled his eyes. Although Victor's scowl was playful, when Patrick heard it he practically went stone cold, giving her one of those reprimanding looks like she's in trouble.

  Shaking it off and ignoring him, she smiled even more as they walked on towards the quarry. Everyone content and catching Henry up on what's been going on in school, Henery nodding along while asking more about certain stuff and certain people. Looking up, Beverly found herself walking behind Belch and Henry, Victor on her side. Glancing at Henry to see the mullet boy throw a curious glance towards his oddly quiet friend, Patrick.

  "What's with you? You haven't said a word since you arrived." Henry questioned, quietly assuming that Patrick was still yet pissed at him. Yet that was certainly not the case. Throwing a blank look Henry's way and cracking a huge grin.

  "I feel like a million bucks, man" nudging Henry's shoulder with his own and He seemed to get Henry to believe the lie he just told him. Making Beverly frown even more at the thought of the plans that were playing out in Patrick's sick sadistic head.

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