Beautiful Girl

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       WARNING: This chapter contains some detailed smut, I always like making sure people know what they're getting into before they read a certain chapter if I feel someone might not like or want to read. Feel free to skip over this chapter if you wish, that is perfectly fine and I definitely understand🌻✏🙏🏻🙈🙉🙊

     Breathing deeply as she was calming down, looking up at the mirror at her once long red locks that are now short curls. Lifting her hands up to run her fingers through it, feeling the dead contaminated ends have been slashed away. Leaving room for new and innocent locks to grow and live a happy safe life.

    Swallowing hard as she cleaned up the bathroom, making her way out into the bedroom and sitting down in the middle of the bed, taking the rest of her things out of her bags. While she was in the middle of folding the rest of her clothes the door to Patrick's bedroom blasted opened, walking in breathing heavily was Patrick.

    As she looked up she could see he's been in a fight, his bruised eye and bloody busted lip. Tears instantly forming in her eyes once again...... she hated seeing him hurt, knowing exactly who it was he got into a scuffle with. Obviously seeing the tears in her eyes, Patrick crawled into the bed to her. Moving her into his lap and kissing her cheek.

   "I fucking swear, when I heard what happened I was instantly seeing red...... I could've killed him, wanted to kill him for touching my baby girl." He said, running his fingers through her now short hair, not really seeming to care how short it was.

    Taking his face into her hands and staring at his wounds. She took her sleeve and lightly whipped the running blood from his lip, then taking her index finger to ever so softly run it across the darkening bruise on his eye. He seemed mesmerized by her touch as he stared at her lovingly, moving his eyes back and forth from her eyes to her lips.

  "Baby girl, your so beautiful, so freaking beautiful." He breathed out as he leaned in and kissed her, holding her tightly and letting his hands fondle and move around her whole body. She accepted the kiss, not noticing once the split on his lip, he didn't either. Being too content with touching and being close to her. The kiss getting heated as he rolled them over, putting her on her back as they made sure to never break the kiss. Of course this was the first time Beverly actually ever did anything back to and with him, willingly. She couldn't deny the feelings she was starting to have for him, she was starting to want him, desire him.

     "Patrick, I want you." She breathed out, her words making him more and more beyond excited. Pulling his shirt over his head and instantly removing hers, making fast work of both their clothing. Dominating her all over again as this time they're pace was faster than her first time. Their breathing and moans becoming louder, especially with everything he said to her, making her even more excited too.

   "Tell me you love me." Patrick's voice coming out in a breathless demand as they keep moving together. "Please, I love you so much, how can I not be selfish when it comes to keeping you away from others." He spoke with love and passion. Beverly never really had anyone be so in love with her, or even love her. Expect for her mom, but she's gone now. To come to think of it, her mom never knew what her father has been doing to her, she always thought he was the most beautiful man in the world.

   Her mom was easily fooled and taken advantage of though, that's what usually happened to beautiful innocent people in the world, they are found by nasty conniving people and are lied to, mistreated and disrespected. Her father was a good actor you could say when she was alive.

    Beverly was about to respond with what he wanted, not just because he wanted it but she did truly want to tell him that. Sadly though there was a banging on the door, sending Beverly into a heart attack, yanking the sheets over her. Patrick on the other hand seemed less panic and more pissed, well furious if that's the strongest word to describe a rather very angry person.

     Getting out of the bed and yanking on his boxers, he whipped open the door seeing a rather out of breath Victor and Belch.

    "What the fuck do you two bitches want!?" He growled, staring daggers at the two distraught boys.

   "Henry's in the hospital, he has 3 broken ribs, shattered collarbone, sprained wrist, and some of the blood vessels in one of his eyes busted from how hard you nailed him." As Belch was saying this Victor for some reason started to grin uncontrollably. That's when Belch looked over at him blankly, staring at him.

    "What? It was some amusing stuff watching Patrick kick the shit out of Henery." Victor said still grinning, Belch and Patrick still staring at him. "Am I the only one who finds this to be funny? Yes? Yes. Ok...." the blonde stood there still smiling a little as the other two boys went back to talking.

    "Good it's about time that asshole learned his lesson to keep his hands to himself. If he does it next time maybe I'll just put him six feet under." And with that he slammed the door on them, turning back and crawling back into the bed, grabbing Beverly up and snuggling her close. They stayed cuddled in bed in silence for a while, she didn't know what to say for the longest time and now she knows exactly what to tell him to make him feel like he wasn't bad or alone.

    Looking up at him as he played there with one arm slung over his eyes and the other wrapped around her, she thought he was asleep. His breathing seemed to be evened out and calmed, his body seemed not so relaxed either.

   "I love you, I really do, you saved me from my own father, from Henery. You took one look at me and just wanted me, it's amazing to feel loved, wanted, safe again." Beverly's words came out in a low voice, afraid she might wake him if he were sleeping, but still want to tell him all of this.

   Feeling his arm tighten around her, she felt his lips press to her temple, she smiled feeling more relieved to know that he heard her words instead of just slept through them. She wants him to feel just as loved and needed, just as safe and wanted as she did. She'll work hard to make him feel like that for the rest of her life.

Mmmm until next chapter 🙈🍀🌻💄✉📚📖🕯📗📚





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