Kiss N Tell 2

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        And there was Patrick, with his hands all over Gretta and her's resting in his back pockets as she practically shoves her tongue down his throat. All Beverly could see was red, feeling her blood boil like it's in a pot on top of the stove just waiting to be turned down........ but no one was there to do so for her.

   Watching the sight no longer as she whipped around and marched for the school entrance with rage in her soul and attitude on her sleeve. Victor and Belch following after her like awkward little children, stopping by her locker with her as they stood in silence, watching her slam this and throw that.

  As soon as she slammed the locker door closed she went right to class without another word. She didn't need to say anything, there wasn't anything that has to be said, except that Gretta is a total slob of a bitch and Patrick can go screw the walking STD for all she gives a damn. But other than that, no words can explain the ruthless rage that she felt deep down in her human, the body that should be filled of love and happiness but filled with despise and taste of cheap poison.

  As she was making her way through the hall with her hurt and tensed stride, she ran smack dab into the one person she didn't want to....... No not Gretta. Patrick. He stared down at her with amusement in his eyes as he could see the feelings that he was pulling to the surface, this just made everything even more annoying. Clenching her teeth behind her blossomed lips as she glared away from him and looked at anyone and everyone but him.

  "What's the matter kitten? Daddy give you a taste of your own medicine? It's a lesson you need to learn." He bit his bottom lip as he stared her down and watched her emotions play on her face, he wanted a reaction out of her, he wanted her to be jealous, to be needy for him....... Not happening.

  Breathing in deeply as she closed her eyes and letting it out slowly, she opened her lids, averting her eyes up to his and staring back at him now. For a moment she almost broke composure and gave him a good back hand across the face, but she saved herself and put on a big, wide smile. As she did this, his lips turned into a frown, staring back at her with a bit of disbelief and on the verge of anger.

'Oh Patrick, you couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions.' Her smile growing wider as she batted her eyelashes at him.

"I'm sorry Patrick, I didn't see you there. I was in a hurry to get to English, we're doing our essays on a book we read and I'm totally nailing it. I think I'll get an easy 100." She winks at him, making his emotions grow more and more annoyed with nothing but the best of karma, the best of Karma, smiling and being happy after someone tries to break you. Smiling in the face of a total jackass.

   "Gretta got an easy 100 when she was screaming my name last night." His smirk coming back on his lips as he noticed a falter in her stature. Her hands clenching as the nails dig into the flesh of her palms. Her teeth grinding, sounding like rocks being scrapped together in her head and feeling like total agony, not as agonizing though as the feelings that are being physically pulled from her.

  "Well," she started to say, slowly breathing in and then slowly letting it out as she looked back up at him and smiled tightly. "Tell her congratulations and to keep up the good work." Keeping her smile and walking past him, leaving him standing there, his eyes burning holes into her backs s he watched after her, desiring her touch and warmth on him again.

    Feeling a hand place itself on his shoulder, yet ignoring it. "Pat, let's go have a smoke man." Belchs voice spears out from behind him, standing in the same spot for a few more minutes, not taking his eyes from the direction that Beverly has walked off and disappeared in. After that and after a couple pats from Belch on the shoulder, he whipped around aggressively and stomped down the hall towards the smoking spot.

  Not fully knowing how strong and bullheaded his Beverly is, he tried to brush off her act as a phase, like it was a phase of a toddler going through anger issues and throwing back chat at the parents and somehow he'll grow out of it. Yeah, she'll probably grow out of it, he thought to himself. Just another troubled child that will be back, crawling to him like a sad puppy the next day.

I will update soon!!! I apologize for this one being a bit smaller than the last!!!

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