You Can't Do That

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         After what happened that evening, Patrick and Beverly stayed in bed and eventually fell into a heavy slumber with one another. Never did Beverly dream, whenever she did though..... they weren't really dreams, more or so nightmares if she were being honest with herself. She always hated that one nightmare, where she falls asleep as an innocent little girl wrapped in her loving mother's safe arms, only to open her eyes and find herself as a grown teenage girl in her sadistic father's.

    It was that voice of his that always woke her up from it, usually waking up in tears. But now that she's so used to it she wakes to only stare at the ceiling, pondering what could've made her a victim of a shellfish kind of love.

   Maybe it's the movies we let invade our minds, maybe it's the books and the words that travel to our eyes, maybe it's the government or all the other crooks, maybe it's the drugs or the parents that fond over the days when they didn't have children.... maybe it's the ganges and the colors that we're wearing, maybe it's the high school rap just at our backs, maybe it's the teachers. Maybe it's the tattoos, pipe bombs we have underneath the bleachers, bringing us to a high and adrenaline rush we never felt before..... maybe it's the music we blast in out rooms, maybe it's the crack that people hash out, maybe it's the bible or could it be the lack of responsibility, of knowing right from wrong.

      Could've been anything that made her life like this..... maybe it's life, it couldn't be evident. Sighing as she thought while she laid there, watching as the room got brighter as the son rose higher. The warmth kissing her skin gently. Today was going to be a beautiful, 85° and sunny, perfect shorts and tank top weather.

     Feeling Patrick stir and move at her side, sighing as he slowly wakes up and nuzzling his face into her neck. She could feel those lips of his smile as he drew her closer to him. The corners of her mouth going up a bit as well, never did she think she'd ever be happy especially with Patrick. Swallowing hard and realizing she still needed to get dressed, it was a Saturday after all.... who wanted to stay in bed all day on a beautiful hot sunny Saturday.

     Squirming out of his grasp and pulling the sheets to her bare chest, she sighs as she looks around the room. Pursing her lips as she caught sight of her bundle of clothes in the top drawer of the dresser in the room. Patrick put her clothes in there, stating that he never uses the dresser anyways and just piles his clothes into a chair that sits in the corner of his room.

    As Beverly stood she took the blanket with her, covering herself as she went to the dresser to rummage for a cute outfit. Patrick rolled on his back, staring at her lovingly, watching her closely and admiring the pale skin of her body. Biting his bottom lip as he continued his besotted gaze, he propped himself on his elbows.

     "Mmm, I don't think I've ever seen anything look so beautiful and sexy at the same time." He smirked at her, as he knew she was blushing, her cheeks almost matching her hair color. Trying to stay focused on picking out her outfit today, she sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth and bit down, not wanting to give in so easily to him.

    As she got all that she wanted to wear today she went on to the bathroom.

    "Hey hey hey.... wait a minute kitten, whatcha got there." Patrick's voice rang out behind her, turning to look at him thoughtfully she shrugged and smiled softly at him. Cocking an eyebrow expectantly at her, he sat up all the way. "Come show daddy what your wearing today." Smiling widely and excited to see the clothes she had in her hands. Walking over to him as she handed him the clothes. Taking them and looking at them and then looking back up at her with a appetite and smirking at her. "You know.... this may be a rather dashing and foxy outfit but these clothes would look better on the floor."

Good Girl, Insane Boy. (Patrick Hockstetter & Beverly Marsh Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now