Truths and new starts

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"Beverly Marsh?... Hey, aren't you the one that screwed Henr-" Victor was on the verge of asking until Belch backhanded him on the chest hard, making him double over. Beverly could feel the burning of tears in her eyes, hearing all the lies about how she supposedly fooled around with Henry Bowers and seeing how he was proud of it. It made her angry, sick, saddened, it made her want the earth to just open up and eat her alive cause of how embarrassed she is.

"Please, I don't think anything of mine would be dumb enough to touch you." Patrick said, rolling his eyes while resting his chin upon the top of Beverly's head while playing with her long red-brown hair.  Of course this made Henry sneer, only shutting up when Patrick shot him a look like he was daring Henry to lie about him and her fooling around.

Beverly actually almost bursted into tears and hugged Patrick for not believing anything everyone says about her. It was such a relief to know someone didn't fall for any of that bullshit and lies people have made about her. It was a total relief in her eyes.

"Come guys, I'm tired of standing around when we're more than capable of actually getting in a car and leaving!" Belch whined along with Victor beside him agreeing. It kinda made her smile a bit at they're childish antics.

"Ya ya, whatever." Henry said with an uncaring voice as they all started to get in. She didn't really know what to do when all she seen were two seats in the back and front. Seeing as Patrick opened the door and moved the seat forward so it easy access for her to get in with him.

Walking up shyly, she hesitated when Patrick got in and sat down. Looking up at her and smiling as he patted his lap, ushering her to sit there. Beverly stepped back a bit, trying to see if there was another way, but Patrick wasn't having any of it. Reaching out and grabbing her hand, pulling her in and on his lap. Closing the door as he got her in, wrapping his arms around her waist happily while he sets his hands on her thighs. Running his fingers back and forth across them.

"Relax kitten, we're just going to bring you home." He said softly in her ear, making her skin crawl a bit. It was fairly awkward for her to be sitting there listening to all of them talk about girls at school, losers club and what they are planning on doing to them. It was awkward to her, cause she didn't know if she should listen or just act like she wasn't hearing any of it.

The car finally came to a stop in front of her house, reliefe washing over her... Funny she never actually told them where she lived, she thought to herself. Patrick opening the door and helping her off his lap and out of the car as he followed along with her.

"Patrick, wha-?" Beverly questioned him once she noticed he was following her. He once again ignored her, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and started leading her up to her apartment. Not saying anything really, just taking her up to the apartment. Thankfully her father wasn't home yet and probably wouldn't be late tonight.

As they both got to her door he grabbed the key that was on top of the door. How'd the hell did he know that was there, she thought nervously.  Unlocking it and entering her home as if it were his own, he took her hand in his and lead her inside to the living room. Plopping down on the sofa, patting his lap once again. She was about to sit down next to him instead but he yanked her onto his lap once again. 

"Mmm your so small and fragile feeling, it's so cute." He smiled widely as he started placing kisses up her neck and across her jawline. She was a little flustered and blushed a thousand times more sense his fingers started running up the skirt of her floral print dress.

Thats when she instantly she grabbed his hand, pushing it away making him stop all his other actions and look at her with a frown. Great he's not happy again, she thought. Thinking of something to say so he doesn't get pissed with her totally again, a light bulb went off in her head.

"Patrick I'm not feeling too well today, I think I should just go to bed. Sense tonight is a school night, I don't want to keep you." Beverly said, hoping to God that he'd just shrug and leave not giving it another thought. But he didn't sadly, he stood up with her bridal style carrying her to her room without her having to tell him where it is.

Placing her on the bed and then hoping right in with her, pulling the blanket that she had placed on it over them. Once they were covered he pulled her close to him, her back to his chest and then kissed her cheek.

"Patrick you really don't ha-" She was on the verge of saying until he cut her off.

"What? Do you not want me here?" Patrick asked, with a tone that was close to the one he gave her in school. Like he was her father talking to her like she did something wrong.

"Oh... No I don't mi-"

"Good cause you didn't have a choice anyways kitten." He said, pulling her tighter to him, laying there as he slowly drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes. Beverly on the other hand had a hard time going to sleep, she couldn't move and or breathe with how tight he was holding her.

Not knowing how long they stayed like that but it must have been hours seeing that it was dark out. She couldn't remember how she got herself into this mess.

Thinking about it and going through the whole day, wondering, until then she heard her front door start jiggling and opening, now shes  going to start panicking. Her father was home and Patrick was still here sleeping away like there wasn't a care in the world. 

"Patrick!!" She whispered hoping her dad wasn't going to even remember tonight that he had a daughter to perv around. Patrick only stirred from the little noise she made, pulling her closer. She pushed on his chest with all her might trying to get his attention. "Patrick! You need to leave now!! My father is going to see you!" She said frantically, pushing on his chest and waking him up.

"Little one, your supposed to be sleeping." He said tiredly while rolling them both over so she was on the other side of him.

"Patrick No!! My father is home, he can't see you, especially in my room!!" Beverly whispered nervously. This made Patrick grumble impatiently.

"Your father can suck a-"

"Beverly? Baby are you in there?" She had a look of pure horror on her face as her fathers voice came ringing through the closed bedroom door. He was obviously drunk and wanted something. Something that she honestly never looked forward to giving.

The door started to open, so Beverly quickly shoved Patrick off the side of the bed where her father won't be able to see him. Creating a loud thumb and crash that her father fell suspicious of. Of course Patrick made a grunt noise which made him even more suspicious.

"What're you doing?" Her father asked with slurred words. She really felt like sick to her stomach. Knowing exactly what will happen to her if he knew there was a boy in her room.

"Nothing daddy, just tired is all." She said quietly, as she didn't look him in the eye. He stared hard at her for a while like he was trying to figure her out.

"Ok." He said simply, staring at her for a little longer until he moved out of her room and down to the living  room couch to pass out for the rest of the night.

"You know kitten that's going to get you punished kicking me out of the bed like that." Patrick said as he climbed up on the bed, looking over at the clock that she had in her room to see it was 2:00 in the morning. Knowing there was school tomorrow and she hoped he would go home so she could get some sleep. But he didn't, he just grabbed her and had her lay back down with him to go back to sleep.

He was fast asleep in no time, as his breathing steadied and most of his body relaxed into dead sleep.

Surprisingly she got some sleep eventually, it was hard though cause Patrick wouldn't stop shifting and rolling on her even more. Beverly just hoped she wouldn't be dead tired for tomorrow, she's going to need all the sleep she can get if she's going to be dealing with Gretta and her followers.

I noticed I had a few reads on this already which yay I'm glad and a vote so this boosts my confidence a bit more now (↑ω↑)(↑ω↑) I'll be working on the third chapter tonight and it'll be up for tomorrow!

Good Girl, Insane Boy. (Patrick Hockstetter & Beverly Marsh Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now