Wipe The Grin From Your Face

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It's been a week since Beverly found the small puppy, naming the little girl "Pilot". She loved that name, knowing it was a bit tomboyish for a female dog yet somehow still flattering the black and brown four legged creature. Bringing Pilot everywhere they go, much to Patrick's dismay, and taking the little one out for walks every evening when her and Patrick were going to meet the boys.

It was yet another Sunday afternoon when they were all out. Henry Bowers out of the hospital yet having to stay home for bed rest. Obviously the sound of the agony and trouble the burnett mullet haired boy is going through brought a simper to Patrick's lips. Beverly always wondered if the two boys were even friends with one another or ever were..... of course you don't treat friends the way they treat one another, or she could of simply not have gotten the memo.

Either way though it made her think of how things will be once Henry's up and out of the house. Maybe they'll act like nothing happened, possibly it'll all be awkward, conceivably it could all turn out to be one big jest, thigh-slapper, pleasantry. Guess she'll have to wait and observe.

As she and Patrick were with Victor and Belch, just outside the town diner, she laid her head upon Patrick's arm. Not being able to reach his shoulder, more his bicep actually. Twirling Pilots leash in her hand as she listened to the boys make plans for the day, she looked up to see Gretta. The blonde hellion girl walking out of her father's pharmacy, her golden locks up in a tight ponytail swaying left to right as she pranced down the sidewalk where they stood in a group.

Tightening her hand in Patrick's like it somehow would make her invisible. Averting her eyes to the boys and not once looking to her opponent as she strides closer and closer. 'Go away, go away, please don't come back again today, go away, go away, I hate how you make me feel this way.' Her mind went on and on and then.....

"Hey Patrick, your looking really good today." Gretta's voice chimbed out, snapping Beverly's eyes opened and straight to her competition. 'Why is she talking to him?' Looking up at Patrick, Beverly could see something in the raven haired boys eyes as he gazed back at Gretta. It was something that made her feel covetous, emulous..... jealous.

"Oh ya?" Patrick replied with a low voice, his lips ghosting a hint if a grin. Beverly coiled herself away from him, putting distance between them and looking elsewhere but at what's hurting her big red heart. Victor and Belch must have noticed the action because they both frowned, looking at Beverly sympathetically and then turning they're attention on Gretta, who they glared hard and long at.

"Sure, you always look good, especially when we were having our fun time together...... say I miss that, no boy in school can satisfy me like you do." Gretta's voice said as she stared lustfully at Patrick, Beverly on the other hand gripped the leash of Pilot and started to trudge away. Tears heavy in her eyes all the while she heard some footsteps behind her.

Thinking it was Patrick she was going to turn around and really give it to him but as soon as she did it was Victor, the sweet blonde. He gave her a little soft smile as he looked at her with pity in his brown eyes, making the tears fall and roll down her freckled sunkissed cheeks.

"You know...... Patrick really does love you, he wouldn't have let you keep that puppy, sleep in his bed and live in his house, switch pretty much all his school schedule, write you notes, pick out your outfits, if he didn't love you. Honestly he's never done that with any girl until now." Victor said with a shrug as he put his hands awkwardly in his camo pants pockets.

"What the hell is he looking at her like that for then! Am I not pretty enough...... do I have to compete with her? Is she better than me at everything...... is that why he looks at her the way he should only be looking at me?" She sobbed as she put her hands in her hands, the tears seeping through between her fingers as it fell like rain. Victor came closer to her, putting his arm around her shuttering shoulders and rubbing his hand up and down her arm.

Looking off into the distance where he could see Patrick still talking to Gretta while Belch stood by rolling his eyes at everything the bratty blonde girl said. Beverly finally tore her face from her hands as she put herself in a confident and strong state of mind.

Whipping the tears off her cheeks in a slick motion as she stared ahead as well at the giggling girl who seems to have somewhat of a hold on her Patrick. 'I'll show her exactly who's the prettiest, smartest, most wanted girl in this town..... I'm going to knock that grin right off her face.' Beverly stared on ahead as she felt Victor's hand still comfortly running up and down her warm pale arms. 'Watch out Patrick, your going to wish you never made me jealous again.' Beverly breathed in deep, closing her eyes and slowly letting it out. Maybe Gretta will finally get a taste of her own medicine..... and maybe Patrick will finally be taken down a notch.

'My looks can kill, so watch out.' And with that, she looked at Victor and smiled thankfully at him, she wasn't ever going to be treated badly ever again, especially by her own Patrick Hockstetter.

I'm so sorry that this chapter was a bit short, I hope you love it!! Until Next Chapter📙📚🛌🏻💋📖📗✏✒

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