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(Reds POV)
      I looked over at pink and through her visor I could tell that she was distressed. I have no idea why I was so into helping her out, since she was going to die eventually anyway. I didnt want to become to close to her, but I felt like I wanted to. I pushed the feeling away and dropped yellow to the floor. He immediately started to cry and I backed away from him.
     "You let this happen!" He said angrily at Blue. I could help but feel bad for the bastard. He did just loose a friend along with a crewmate. I felt a little tap on my shoulder and a whipped my head around to see Pink standing next to me. I was annoyed that she had grown so attached to me so fast, but then again so had I.
      "What is it Pink?" I tried to act as nice as possible to hide my sour mood.
      "How are you so calm about this right now..?" She said looking up at me keeping eye contact. I tensed up, this was the question I was not expecting. I had an idea to keep up the leader act so I responded.
      "Just trying to stay strong for the team." That sounds dumb now that I'm saying it, but thankfully it seems like she bought it.
      "That's nice if you Red." She turned  to Black who was clinging to Purple on the other side of the room. I could tell it wasnt out of fear, but it seems like she liked Purple more than the others. I dont quite know what it's called. As I was thinking Black walked right up next to Pink before I knew it striking up a conversation.
      "What are you two lovebirds doing over here." Love, that was the word I was looking for............ wait what. I looked down at Pink who I could tell was red in the face.
      "Black we just met a few days ago, so shut your mouth."  Pink said giving Black a playful nudge.
      "Mmmhm.." Black looked at me and I could tell she had a huge grin on her face.
      "Sorry Red, shes always like this just ignore her." Pink said looking up at me for a second and then back at Black. My thoughts were racing but I responded.
      "So shes always teasing you about liking other crewmates." I said crossing my arms.
      "Yeah basically.." I..wasnt expecting that answer, but I guess thats friendship. Something I dont want to much of. Thankfully Black and Pink began talking to eachother and I was left alone
(Pinks POV)
      It's been weeks since Cyans and Oranges death and no one else has died. Does that mean that Orange was the impostor? Everyone was still shaken up by the experience especially Yellow who had become distant and cold from everyone. I've tried talking to him a few times, but he just ignores me and does his tasks. Red.. has also grown more distant from me. It seems like hes been avoiding me ever since Black called us love birds. Unless there was another reason and he just didn't want to be friends. It made me sad to think that I lost his friendship, but maybe I hadn't. Every now and again I'll feel his eyes on me like hes watching over me or something. He also seems to have the same tasks as I do, walking in the same room I'm in and doing a task. He just never spoke to me. Sometimes I'll here that now familiar slithering sound, but I've ignored its presence. Black and Purple have grown closer and I'm wondering when they were gonna kiss. It's a weird thought I know, but they obviously both like eachother. My tablet beeped as I looked down. All of my tasks were completed. I left electrical still looking down at my tablet. I suddenly hit something and fell back landing on the ground.
      "Ow! What the hel-" I looked up to see Red standing in the enterance of electrical.
      "Sorry Pink!" He reached his hand out to me and I grabbed it. He lifted me back up to my feet. When I looked up our helmets were about an inch apart, nearly touching. I jumped back giving out a small yelp. Red also stepped back a bit he didnt seem too phased about it, but he never seemed phased by anything.
      "Are you ok you fell pretty hard there." Red said his arms crossed. Was he mad at me, or was just that the way he standed. With the helmet on he looked mad, but I couldnt tell.
      "Y-yeah I'm fine." I said.
It felt strange talking to him again we havent talked for about a month now. Some part of me felt happy that we were talking again, but I knew if Black saw us I wouldnt hear the end of it from her. I looked at Reds visor, it was strange I couldnt see through it at all. It's like it was clouded over or something. As I looked at him I realized he was looking at me too. No wait, something behind me. I whipped around and Brown was there. How the hell did she get here, I know she didnt enter through the enterance.

(Reds POV)
      As I watched Brown sneak up behind Pink I couldnt help but feel scared. I liked Pink I really did, but this is what we came here to do. Pink must have noticed me looking at Brown because she turned around to see her. Brown was also an impostor she hasnt killed anyone yet, so I was guessing that she wanted Pink to be her first. Brown gained trust as soon as she entered the ship, stayed with purple almost the whole time. Pink began to back away from Brown and towards me. Brown looked hungry and I could see that her suit was stretching. Pink bumped into me and looked up with fear in her eyes. I felt bad, I didnt want Pink to die not now. I grabbed Pink and held her close to me keeping the distance between her and Brown. Brown growled not saying a word.
      "Pink you have to give push the emergency meeting button.." I said staring directly at Brown.
      "B-but what about you, shes the Inpostor she will kill you!" Pink squeaked
      "I'll be fine trust me." I pushed Pink behind me and she ran off.
      "Red what dont you think your doing, protecting.... her!" Brown said
I knew that I could easily fend her off.
      "I wont let you hurt her or anyone Brown." I said and she lunged right at me. I dont know what Brown was thinking, as I am much more powerful than her. I easily grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall. The lights above blared that similar red color as I heard people heading to the cafeteria. I kept Brown pinned to the wall before I again saw Pink. She had led the others to me and Brown. I dont think people understood what was happening because at first glance they thought I was attacking Brown.
      "Put her down!" I heard Purple yell. Pinks words were being drowned out and I let go of Brown. She immediately turned around and pushed me back.
      "Get away from me!" She screamed trying to get people on her side.
      "That's enough!" I heard Pinks voice come through the crowd. Everyone turned to look at Pink who now had her fists clenched together. Pink ran to me and grabbed my hand. I felt strange but didnt flinch away from her grasp.
      "Pink tell us what happened, you were the one who pushed the emergency meeting button." Black said
I felt happy for once that Pink had a friend like her.
      "Red isn't the impostor," I tensed up as I was one of the impostors "Brown is." Pink said and everyone turned their attention to brown.
      "W-what no its not your lying!" Brown was trying to protest but Pink just continued letting go of my hand.
      "Me and Red were in electrical together and Brown tried to attack me from behind, but Red saw her so I had a chance to escape." Pink said taking a single step towards the group. Brown got pissed and tried to attack Pink, but I again interviened. This time she got my shoulder a bit, but I again over powered her knocking her to the ground. Everyone was convinced at this point and began to take Brown to be ejected. I stayed with Pink making sure she was alright. She hugged me and I reluctantly hugged back. Both our tablets beeped and the words on it read.
*Brown has been ejected*



Impostorable Love (Among us Fanfic) (Impostor x Crewmate)Where stories live. Discover now