First Blood

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(Reds POV)
      I watched Blue speak amused. If he had just labeled the samples than maybe he would have caught me. I looked down at Pink. She was fidgeting with her hands and looked extremely nervous. I had decided not to kill her in admin because Black probably would have known who the impostor was as soon as she found Pink's body. Keeping her alive could also prove useful, as she could serve as an alibi of some sorts for the time being. Pink looked up at me and I darted my vision back the the other crewmates. Blue started to speak again.
      "The meeting is now over, please be very wary of your surrounding and report back if you see anything." Just like that the meeting for over and everyone scattered around to do their tasks. I saw that Cyan went into storage. Cyan looked like an easy target from the get go. No one seemed to pay any attention to him at all. Even White got a bit more attention than Cyan and they practically do the same things. I didnt notice that Pink was still standing next to me before she spoke.
      "I'm sorry." She said looking up at me
      "Sorry..for what?" I said very puzzled
      "I'm sorry that you have to join the Skeld in a situation like this." She explained.
      "Oh, your fine it isn't your fault an alien decided to get on the ship." I said trying to sound as kind as possible. Pink nodded and left the cafeteria. She was nice for sure, but she had to die. They all did, it's the mission I was given.
      Blue came up to me and began to strike up a conversation.
      "How are you enjoying your time at the Skeld so far?" He asked.
      I overheard from Black and Pink that the Skeld needs a new leader. This could prove useful, as the crewmates will trust me more if I take leadership responsibilities.     Blue nudged my side
      "Hello...! Is anyone home?!" I snapped back into reality
     "Oh! Yeah sorry, I'm really enjoying it here so far." I was started to get tired of the constant asking of; how I was, are you enjoying it here, do you need help? Yeah I was new but I was around the same age as most of the other people here...even though I was an alien.
      "You look like your having a moment, so I'm gonna go check up on Brown." Blue said wondering off
     "Shit.. I should have asked where my room is" I thought to myself. I shrugged it off and began wondering around the ship. Every now and then a crewmate would give me a wave are ask me how I'm doing, but I got used to it. Before I knew it, it was night time and everyone began to head to their rooms. Blue told me that he was my roommate. Which wasnt to bad I guess, having someone who trusts me could be good. I entered the room and started to look around. It was kind of small with bunk beds on one side and space for clothes and supplies on another side. I knew I wasnt going to be sleeping, but I was still happy to learn that I was going to have the bottom bed. This would make it easier to sneak out if the room at night. Blue than climbs on top of the bed and layed down. I turned off the lights and did the same thing.
      I waited for what seems like hours for Blue to fall asleep. I made my way out of the bed and into the cafe. Weirdly enough, I saw Pink still up in the cafeteria. She was sitting down her hear in her arms on the table. I began to walk towards her and I felt my suit stretching out. I opened my jaw in preparation to kill Pink, my sharp tongue outstretched. I was about to strike, when she lifted up her head. I quickly hid my jaw by closing it and pulling the tongue back in.
      "Oh hey red.." She said smiling at me
I was confused, why did I hide. Even if she saw me I could still kill her before she could get help. It would have been over with, so why the hell didnt I kill her just now.
      "Hey Pink, what are you doing up so late?" I asked still confused and conflicted to just kill her right now
      "I could say the same to you," she giggled "but I just couldnt sleep."
      "Same here." I lied she looked at me and patted the seat beside her, telling me to sit down. I reluctantly sat down next to her.
      "Whenever I cant sleep I like to looks outside..but tonight I felt awkward doing that, so I just came here to sit down." She said looking out at the large windows on the back side of the cafeteria.
      "I couldnt sleep because Blie snores like a cow." I said
      Pink laughed and I felt happy
      "I'm glad to have you here Red, it's nice to have someone to talk too."
      "What about Black?" I asked
      "Shes not the best when it comes to listening." Pink said resting her head on the table.
      "That's understandable." I touched the horns that were on my suit remembering that they cant move like Pinks flower, or Blacks crown.
      "I think I should head off to bed." Pink said standing up
      "Alright, see you tommorow."
      "Kill her!" a voice in my head screamed, but something was preventing me from killing the pink crewmate. I waved to Pink and decided that I would wait for someone else. I waiting in the cafe, until I saw Cyan enter Admin. He always seemed like the type that would finish his tasks early in the morning. Which was great for me. My jaw opened once again and I vented from the cafeteria to admin. Cyan looked puzzled, I could tell why. He was on the device that counted how many people were in a room, so it must have been saying that there were two people in Admin, counting me in the vent . I hopped out of the vent and Cyan stared on horror at me. Finally I could eat something.


Impostorable Love (Among us Fanfic) (Impostor x Crewmate)Where stories live. Discover now