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Hello and welcome to the Q&A for "Impostorable Love" I wanted to thank you guys for 2000+ reads on this fanfic and as a write this it is now nearing 5k reads. That is... O.o.. I mean just wow. I never thought that this would be seen that much, or just read at all, to be honest. I made this fanfic for me and my friend to look at because together we made this world in a way. I had decided to make this because I thought that it would be fun. Anyways I wanted to thank yall for reading and enjoying my story and hopefully, you guys enjoy having your questions being answered :)

Pink can you please tell us that what was your reaction after you got to know that red didn't know anything about Halloween I mean your reaction about hearing him saying "what's Halloween" and also did you ever thought of asking why he doesn't know Halloween?

"I was mostly shocked at first, mostly because I've never met someone who had no idea what it was."
"I mean I've met people who knew what it was and just never celebrated it, but he just didn't know what it was at all."
"I'm a rational person and kind of just forgot about it, and just guessed that his parents didn't allow him to even know
what it was or something."

"And yes... I did want to ask him why he didn't know but I just left it be because it might be private or something.... who knows."

Blue- As far as I know, you are a nice guy who takes every situation casually which is actually great man I mean who would Ummm you know I mean you have an impostor friend and it was fun to watch you react so calmly about the situation even though he killed cyan and yellow

"Yeah! I try to take every situation with a positive mindset, but I do notice when it is time to actually freak out about something."

Blue have you ever thought of red killing you or something I mean it's obviously no but maybe sometimes and also can I hide somewhere in this as red will definitely kill me after this

"Oh yeah I've definitely thought about it, but the more time I spend with him the less time I worry."
"I mean if he really wanted to kill me he already would have."

"Hehe you better run, reds coming for ya"

(end of blues question)

White- Ok so White I don't know what to ask but I would like to ask if you are a ninja or something I mean when did you even sneak up upon blue and red when they were talking ok fine listen red wanted to ask this question too but you know due to various reasons so I am asking this to you, are you a ninja or not? (Thank me later Red)

"Everyone always asks me that for some reason and I don't know maybe I am a ninja.. I mean people always seen surprised when I show up next to them."
"So I dont know.. maybe I am maybe I'm not."

Black- So anyway the question is what makes you think that Red likes Pink or Pink likes Red it's pretty much the same thing- also when will you and Purple finally become a couple.

"I just have a skill for seeing when people like each other."
"I mean if you were here with us you would be able to see it too."

"We are already a couple, we are not just very.. uhh... I don't know how to say it... public about it I guess."
"But yeah we are dating!"

Purple- I am not surprised but how did you manage to get that sword on the top of your head, I mean is it even real?

"Ha no it's not real, it has a gap on it that allows me to fix it to my helmet."
"It's nothing special really."

Red- What do you think would have happened to Brown I mean she doesn't breathe oxygen and have you ever thought if she will ever come back to get revenge from you and the others?
"I haven't thought about Brown ever since she was ejected, but I guess your right.."
"Well if she does ever come for revenge she knows I am stronger than her, so she might bring company."
"Let's just not think about that right now and focus on the positive things."

Impostorable Love (Among us Fanfic) (Impostor x Crewmate)Where stories live. Discover now