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(Pinks POV)
This must be a newer update to the tablet we had gotten a few months ago. It was mainly for voting at first then when Blue realized that we didnt vote very often he upgraded it, so that it would tell us our tasks. I'm guessing that this was another update that he added to them. Red was still in electrical with me also looking down at his tablet. When I started to reason why he wasnt the impostor I had grabbed his hand without thinking. He didnt move away, so I didnt either. My face turned hot as I kept thinking about it. Red started to head out of the room, but I followed behind him.
      "Does this mean we are safe now?" I asked making my way next to him.
      "I guess so." Red responded he seemed so uncomfortable about something, but I couldnt figure out what.
      "Hey are you ok you seem distressed or something." Why would I ask that even if he wasnt fine its not like he soukd tell me.
      "I'm fine, but thanks for asking." Red was looking forward and seemed to be lost in his own thought. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned my head around to see Black walking close behind us.
      "Ah the Lovebirds are at it again hmm." Black has her hands behind her back obviously trying to act like a smartass.
      "Oh shut up Black." I said giving a smile under my helmet. Red seemed to have frozen up somehow, I've never seen him like this.
      "Great now you've broke him Black." I said laughing. I saw Red shake himself awake before turning around to also face Black.
      "What about you and Purple hmm?" Red said. That was true Black and Purple truly are something together.
Black went quiet for a moment and then responded .
      "Well at least we both dont try to hide it at all." Black was always good at making me flustered about anything at all. I mean its not that hard if I'm being completely honest with myself, but Black had just mastered it. Purple walked up behind Black.
      "What are you guys up to over here?" Purple said walking close up next to Black. Red looked down at me and back at the two girls.
      "I'm gonna go finish my last task." He then said and before I knew it he was out if my sight.
      "Wow ya scared him off Black." I said jokingly to Black. She walked up next to me and patted my helmet.
      "Girl you have to start paying attention more, hes so into you." Black stated, I didnt believe her as we hadn't talked in a month and it seemed impossible for him to
      "Really..? How so." I said
      "Oh please..! I see the way he looks at you!" I turned Red in the face. What did she mean by that. Had she seen the times where Red was looking at me. I sometimes caught him looking at me sure, but I didnt think it was too often.
      "O-oh shut up!" My face was hot and I had to take off my helmet for a second to fix up my hair and face. Black was still looking at me a huge smile spread across her face. I put my helmet back on and playfully punched her.
      "Your so cute when flustered!" Black said.
      "Your not lying Black." I had forgotten that Purple was there, which often happens as she tend to be a listener than she speaks up.. a lot.
      "I have seen Red watching you a few times," Purple said "it seems like hes keeping an eye on you to keep you safe or something " Purple giggled and I just wanted out of this conversation. I put my helmet back on and looked down at the ground my face red. I think that Black noticed that I was starting to get uncomfortable.
      "Anyways Pink, we will see you around the ship alright!" Black was a good friend. She was kind and even though she teased me whenever I would get to uncomfortable she would end the conversation. I waved to her and turned around to walk away. I headed to Security and watched the Cameras getting caught in my own though again.

(Reds POV)
      I didnt like Pink, well at least not in the way that Black said. I found myself always looking in her direction whenever we are in the same room sure, but that didnt mean anything. I sat in the vents contemplating what I should do. My mission coming here with Brown was to kill everyone on this ship and leave nothing behind. Now I dont know what to do, my teammate is gone and I might have made friends. No! They are not my friends they are my enemies. I've only known them for a month or so I can still kill them. I hopped out if the vent near navigation and I looked up at the security camera. Shit... the camera was on, who was there? Did they see me? I rushed to the cafeteria and to my surprise no one was going for the emergency meeting button. I headed down to Security and peeked inside. Pink was there seeming to be more in her head then actually watching the Cameras. She turned around and waved, I waved back and she gestured for me to join her. I gave out a sigh and walked up next to her. I was surprised she didnt see me on the camera, as the vent I came out of was in plain view on one of the screens.
      "Hey I just wanted to apologize for Blacks behavior back there." Pink said looking down.
      "Shes usually like this , I'm used to it but I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Pink said now looking up at me.
      "Why wouldnt I be ok?" I said my head tilting to the side just a bit.
      "I dont know you just seemed uncomfortable back there.. you know what nevermind it doesn't matter." Pink seemed to be embarrassed. I playfully rubbed the top of her helmet and said goodnight. I left the security room and couldnt get Pink off of my mind. Blue came up to me and we both began to walk to our room together. Me and Blue had become closer over time, I could even say that we were sory of.....   friends. It's funny really ever since I came here I've been connecting with these people more than I ever thought I would. It almost made me want to spare them. The feeling of evil was driving deeper and deeper inside of me, as my mission faded away. Maybe.. just maybe I don't HAVE to kill them.


Impostorable Love (Among us Fanfic) (Impostor x Crewmate)Where stories live. Discover now