A Body Has Been Discovered

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(Pinks POV)
      I stretched out my limbs as I awoke to a new day on the job. Black was looking over me when I opened my eyes and I jumped up hitting my head on the top bunk.
      "Ow! Black what the hell."
      "Sorry girl, I just wanted to wake ya up!" Black sound excited, but then again when did she not. Purple then came into the room and Black ran up to her.
      "Hey Black!" Purple said smiling under her helmet. She turned to me and waved. Her and black left the room and I was all alone. I sat there for a bit until Red suddenly poked his head around the corner. It surprised me, I didnt expect to see him here. We have only known eachother for about 3 days, but it feels like we are already close.
      "Have you ever realized how similar Purple and Blacks hair is?" Red said watching the two from inside the room. I got out of the bed and stood next to Red.
      "Yeah their hair is similar but, Blacks is more fluffy." I laughed and so did Red. I put my helmet on and left the room. Red following me shortly after. Brown the other new crewmates came running up to us. A horrified expression on her face told me that something was wrong. 
      "Thank god you guys were near!" She said breathing heavily, she started to cry and became unstable.
      "Alright calm down! Tell me what happened." I said trying to help her stay of her feet.
      "Its Cyan!" She said
I was starting to get scared.
      "What about Cyan?!" I said hoping that this would get the answer.
      "He- hes dead.." she said tears running down her cheeks. I stood there shocked for a moment. Was this a joke, theres no way Cyan is dead.
      "Where?!" I said frantically looking around like that was gonna help me find the body. I looked over at Red and he seemed to be extremely calm about this situation. He looked down at me and that's when I looked back at Brown. She was pointing at Admin she obviously was so shook she couldnt talk now with how much she was sobbing.
     "Red, keep and eye on her and try to calm her down." I said leaving for Admin. My heart pumped faster as a putrid smell hit my nose. I stared in horror at the sight that was laid in front of me. There was Cyan, he was barely recognizable. I gagged at I felt tears running down my cheeks. Half of Cyans body was gone, the top half to be clear. It's like it was eaten because it was no where to be found. I looked back to see Red, helping Brown stand with his shoulder.
      "Go push the emergency meeting button!" I said still horrified. Red left for the cafeteria and suddenly the red lights blared above me, as I walked out of Admin and to the cafe. Blue spoke up first
      "Red what is it?" Red pointed to me and I had to calm myself down to speak.
      "I told him to push the button, sorry.." I explained
      "Cyan is dead.." I got right to the point and everyone gasped.
      "No! Your lying Pink!" Yellow yelled
      "I wish I was." I set my hand down on the table.
      "Where is it Pink?" Black said
I pointed to Admin and everyone started over to that area. They all watched in horror as Blue picked up the body, or what was left of it at least.
     "Alright! Who did this!" Yellow said almost seeming like he was growling.
      "My bet is on the impostor, we dont know who it is yet, but when we find out who it is they will pay" Blue said his tone dark.
      Everyone gathered by the table again and Blue handed out tablets. He told us that it was a voting system and that we would vote for who we believed to be the impostor.
      "Where was everyone last night?" Blue asked. Mostly everyone said that they were sleeping, but I knew that I wasnt sleeping all night. When the attention turned to me I gulped and responded.
      "I couldnt skeep last night, so I went into the cafeteria to watch outside for a bit." Everyone imidiatly began to suspect me. Saying that I was the impostor.
      "It has to be her!" Yellow stated
      "She was the only one out." White said very quietly.
      "B-but it cant be." Black said trying to defend me.
      "I was with her!" Red said as he raised his hand. I looked over at him.
      "Theres no way she could have done it, I saw her." Red put his hands on the table and looked at me, then back on the group.
      "Now that you say that I did see you guys together last night." Orange said, tho I wish he never did.
      "But you said you were sleeping all night Orange!" Blue spoke up
      "I was, but I do remember getting up to-to I cant remember what." The suspicion turned to him, as everyone was now sus of Orange. Yellow was the only one that believed orange wasnt the impostor. I looked over at White who I could tell was scared at the situation. I put my arm around him trying to comfort him. My mind started to remember last night, as I was in the cafe. I started to hear the same strange sound that I heard in Admin. It again sounded like a snake slithering around in some kind of mush. I had looked up to see Red standing over me. It was strange to say the least. How did he get there so quietly without me noticing? I had shrugged it off because some people are just light on their feet. I heard a tablet beep, Blue had voted.
      "Guys this is just a misunderstanding!" Orange pleaded, his tone is always so dark. That was definitely not helping his case here. I heard more tablets beeping, as more people began to vote. Even Black and Purple voted. Sure I'll vote for Orange, but if its not him then I dont know what I'm gonna do. I picked up my tablet and examined it. It was about the size of a normal I-Pad but it had the color of every single one of us on it. I pushed Orange and a X and a check appeared. I pushed the check and my tablet beeped.
      "Pink not you too!" Orange said looking at me
Red and white voted almost at the same time. Orange and Yellow were the last to vote. I looked back down at the tablet, as the votes were counting. It was seven to two, Orange and Yellow had skipped and everyone else had voted Orange.
      "What do we do with em now Blue?" Black said
      "Well, we could eject him," Blue started "that way we would know if we were correct or not."
      "How would ejecting me tell you if your correct or not!" Orange yelled. I could tell he was scared, I mean who wouldnt be in this situation.
      "The impostor wont die out in space because they are an alien." Blue states
I clenched my hands together as Black and Blue grabbed Orange. They poked a whole in his oxygen tank, so that if he wasnt the impostor he would die. Now that I'm saying that it sounded horrible. Yellow was trying to pull Orange away from Black and Blue, but Red interviened and grabbed Yellow. Orange struggled until he was thrown into the chute. Blue pulled the lever and Orange was ejected into space. Orange struggled for a but before going still. He was dead. Yellow fell to the ground crying, I felt so bad he just lost his best friend. I dont know what I would do if I lost Black. I was frozen in place unable to move. What had just happened? One moment we were all happy enjoying the mission together. Then... two if our crewmates are dead.


Impostorable Love (Among us Fanfic) (Impostor x Crewmate)Where stories live. Discover now