Chapter Ten: (Thorins POV)

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"What's in your pocket Bilbo?"

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Yes you do."

The hobbit hand flew to his pocket protectively,and began to look distant. I shoved my hand in his pocket,and began to fight for what was in his pocket. He but my arm,but i was unfazed. I finally pulled out a golden ring,that seemed to shine in the dark.

"What is this?"

"It is nothing of your concern."

"It's a ring,and you obviously don't want anyone to touch it."

He grabbed desperately at the ring,but as the best I could in a barrel,I kept it away. The hobbit huffed,and crossed his arms over his chest. I laughed at how cute he looked pouting. I handed him the ring,but desperately wanted to have it again. I decided never to come in contact with that ring again.

(Bagginsheild) Let The Storm Rage On (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now