Chapter 36 (Third Person POV)

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The two groups traveled back the way they had come, on boats they arrived back to the island at night, maybe an hour after midnight or so, the two groups said their goodbyes.

"Come with me."

"I must go with Gandalf. Please Fili do not make this harder."

"Then take this to remember me by."

He handed her his rock, the one that had brought them together, the good luck rock. When the company exchanged last goodbyes, the group of 15 (dwarf and hobbit) began their track to the mountain. While they tracked to the mountain, both wizard and elf came upon the village of charred remains to find a sight they thought they might not come upon, people over running the streets.

The odd pair looked around, people who were dirty and looked desperate, were huddled around fires, in makeshift the tents. Gandalf stopped a woman with a small child who happened to cross their path,

"I say, what has happened here?"

"Oh it is most wonderful, the great and terrible Smaug has been defeated, we can return to the city. I just wish those pesky dwarves would bring back the mountains treasure. We could use it to re-build the city."

"I agree completely but, and this may sound rude, how are you all alive?"

"Shelters underneath the city, we waited until the arrow man took down the dragon."

"The arrow man?"

"Yes, I believe he was a fisher man, had a black arrow hidden in his house all along, who would have knew?"

"That is most strange indeed, thank you for your time."

The woman walked off, scolding her child for almost running into the water. Gandalf sighed deeply and looked to the Elvin woman standing next to him,"Things do not look better, things look worse. Yes, Smaug is dead, but the underlying threat is drawing near."

Meanwhile, the company came upon the mountains entrance, most sighing in relief from the sight of home.

"Finally, get to rest my aching feet awhile, will you rub my feet Bofur?"

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged."

Thorin laughed hardily but soon stopped as his eyes lay upon a pregnant Bilbo, who was walking along drunkly. The King Under The Mountain walked forward toward his lover,

"Hello Bilbo."

"Oh! Hello Thorin."

"How are you?"

"I seen to be quite alright. What about you?"

"I will live to see another day."

"That is good, now I must go and rest, I'm walking for two now."

Bilbo chuckled and walked away, some what of a waddle than a walk, but all the same Thorin was glad to be home to his gold. His precious gold...

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