Chapter 31 (Third Person POV)

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Bilbo had a choice, many choices in fact, but this one was completely different from others he had made and will make. Usual choices for the hobbit were,'what's for supper?' Or 'water or wine?' Never had he faced a choice like this, but he knew, he had to choose.

Thorin looked thoughtfully at the hobbit trying to decode his thoughts and maybe, just maybe, see what he would choose. 'That damn rings gonna be the death of him.' Thorin thought harshly and scowled,

"I think we have our answer."

"And what would that be burglar?"

Bilbo flinched at the name, which Thorin only called him when he was truly upset, and took a breath,

"I choose both of you."

"It's a thing not a person Bilbo."

"I am aware, and I think it is a person,"

"Whatever. I am only staying with you for the baby."

And with those words, Thorin stood and walked away with a huff. Bilbo and Thorin slept separately, not daring come near the other. The hobbit dreamed horrible (which is not in good health for his child) and Thorin dreamed clearly, dreaming of a normal life with his rag tag family.

The next morning, when the company aroused from their sleep and ate their hardy breakfast of berries and nuts, they set off. Trees, roots, and dirt seemed to be anything in sight as the company moved forward and deeper into the dark forest.

"Thorin, I should lead the group."

"Why, because you are an elf?"

"Because I know the land."

"I don't care, have at it."

The red headed elf came forward to the front of the group (not before glaring at the dwarf prince) and pointed west,"this way, we will be out of the forest in no time." She said quite loudly and headed off. With a few confused glances from many of the dwarfs, they shrugged and bounded after the elf.

Silence, heavy and quite awkward settled over the group as they moved forward, until they came upon a very injured Orkan.

"What luck."

"How is this luck?"

"We can pump him for information, maybe figure out this whole mess, well some of it at least."

Thorin came forward, putting his foot into the grey creatures throat, as it sputtered and kicked wildly, the dwarf began to speak,

"Tell me what I need to know, and I will let you go."

"I don't know what you are talking about..."

"You know exactly what I am talking about, now why are you after me, tell me and you will be set free."

'Empty promises.' Thought the hobbit as the toture began.

"I... Will never tell... You." The grey creature said with his dying breath. Apparently, Thorin didn't like this answer. He took his sword and pressed it into the creatures eye, causing a scream to tear from the Orkan.

"I will ask my question again and maybe you will be more prompt to tell me, why are you after us?"


"As you wish."

Thorin raised his sword, and with one clean sweep, the creatures head bounced away from its body.

"We move on."

Bilbo held his stomach, an prayed to the man upstairs, his baby didn't turn out to be like his father.

(Bagginsheild) Let The Storm Rage On (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now