Chapter 27 (Third Person POV)

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Naked and afraid, bilbo began to panic. 'This can't be happening, not today.' He thought and ran back inside. There on the cold wooden floor, Thorin slept on unaware of what his lover was about to do. Bilbo collected his clothes (some of which had been ripped the night before) and ran back to the balcony. Once he was fully dressed, bilbo began to do the trick his mother had taught him years ago to check and see if he was truly pregnant. With the heel of his hand, the hobbit kneaded his stomach, in an attempt to find a knot in his makeshift womb. The hobbit decided if he was indeed pregnant, he would run. Or, better yet, kill the baby. Yes, this seemed harsh but this thing, this secret, is frowned upon in more ways than one. And he would do anything to keep it secret.

"Oh no." He said sadly, there was a knot forming, there in the middle of his belly. He sighed inwardly and let a tear slide down his cheek,

"What will I tell Thorin?"

"Tell Thorin what?"

The hobbit looked up from his belly, to see the dwarf (fully clothed) and looking confused. Within a few steps, Thorin was sitting down in front of his lover, scanning his face for any sign of exactly was his next words,

"Well, I don't think it is that important."

"I've been awake for a minute or two, what were you doing with your stomach?"

Bilbo silently cursed himself for being loud enough to awake the dwarf and tried to figure out a lie to tell. You see, males who were able to get pregnant, were looked down upon in many of the middle earth cultures. Bilbo had managed to hide his dirty little secret for awhile (and managed to forget it over time) until now. 'Why couldn't I have been more careful?!' He silently cursed and looked back to his lover,

"Well, I have a secret I need to tell you."

"Yes, go ahead."

Bilbo caught his bottom lip between his teeth and tried to decide to lie or not. On the other hand, Thorin had no idea what was going on. He knew exactly what trick Bilbo was using, but he didn't want to press. To be quit honest, the dwarf didn't want him to have this bourdon, this disgusting ability.

"I can get pregnant."


"Yea.... Well, I'm pregnant now."

Thorin went silent, and this hurt bilbo more than anything. Thorin couldn't believe what he had just heard, he had heard of males becoming pregnant, but bilbo?! Hardly. But, here they sat now, morning after, discussing his ability. 'What to do?' Thorin thought solemnly. At first, the dwarf was disgusted I mean, he was raised to spit upon men like this, but the more he thought, the more he saw there was nothing wrong with this whole pregnancy thing. You see, if the dwarf truly loved bilbo, he would love him for everything, even when he was taught this was extremely wrong. With a rather heavy sigh, Thorin began to speak,

"I love you, and if you are able to bare children, then so be it."

Bilbo looked back up at Thorin with wide eyes. He was not excepting that, for Thorin to actually accept the fact, but here he was smile on his face and accepting he was going to have a child, their child.

"But you know what this means dearest hobbit."


"You will have to eat for two."

"Oh hush you old stingy goat."

They shared a laugh and bilbo crawled into Thorins lap, laying his head on the dwarfs defined chest, savoring his heart beat nice and strong. He hoped one day (soon) things would be normal, and the hobbit and dwarf could live normally, raise their child in the shire and one day grow old together. But, they both knew, that things would never be the same.

[[thats it, there you go. I thought it was long enough to toture you. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, I worked hard on it, I had writers block so this is actually a miracle to have it done. And please read my other story (the magpie and the tiger.) Comment, vote, and carry on my wayward son.--SW]]

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