Chapter 34 (Third Person POV)

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"Is that anyway to greet an old friend?" The deep voice purred as Gandalf the Grey stepped from the mass of bushes and into the clearing, the company silent with a shock. "How did you find us?" Bilbo questioned, his hand holding up Sting, his other hand protectively over his stomach. The sight made the wizard smile warmly,"it was simple, I followed the path of destruction! My my, that dragon has such a temper. I knew that you and your fellow companions would most likely go after the beast, so I did the most logical thing I could do, follow the destruction!" The wizard chuckled warmly and took a seat on a log, not far from the still shocked company. "Are you going to stand there with you mouths open, or are you going to join me in a well deserved meal?" Bilbo was the first to sit down his weapon in a resting place near him, walking forward sitting down next to Gandalf.

Not soon after Bilbo sat down, the rest of the company began to trickle in toward the fire, the Elvin woman flocking toward Fili, wanting to be near her new found lover at all cost. The night wore on, the dwarfs, wizard, elf, and hobbit alike eating a hardy meal of roots and berries, a jug of passion fruit wine came around after this meal (curtesy of Gandalf the Grey since he had seemed to just pull the jug out of thin air) but Bilbo humbly declined,"I must be off to bed, this walk has drained me and I must sleep for at least four hours." Boo's and even some hisses came from the group in a joking attempt to make the hobbit stay, but he stood and walked over to his make shift bed (mind you that his only supplies being a log and some leaves)

Bilbo had been asleep for two hours, the company long since passed out in a drunken haze, well all of them but two, Thorin and Gandalf. They chatted back and forth, taking generous sips from the jug until the wizard grew very solemn, his gaze falling behind his back to the hobbit and back to the dwarf.

"What is the matter you old goat? Wine gotcha feeling tired?" Thorin hiccuped and laughed, taking another sip. The wizard took the jug, putting the cork in it and away in his cloak.

"Why did you do that?"

"You know why, no more alcohol for the father to be."

"How did you-"

"That is for me to know and for you not to know, now, are you too planning to get married?"

"Well, look around. The whole of Middle Earth is falling apart at the seams. We are at war, a dangerous time and most likely to he the most violent I will live to see."

"But you see Thorin, that man cares for you, willing to die for you. Yes, this world is falling apart at the seams. But, you see, that doesn't mean you or him will survive this."

"You make no sense wizard. I cannot marry him, especially a hobbit."

"This should not matter, if you truly love him, then show him this. Besides, he is carrying your child."

This made him stop as think,'Should he continue to be with the little hobbit? And if so, will it ever be the same?' Thorin bid the wizard good night, thanking him for the chat as he made his way over to his spot, away from Bilbo.

As he tried to sleep, one phrase kept his thoughts raging and alive,

'Will it ever be the same?'

(Bagginsheild) Let The Storm Rage On (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now