Chapter 8: Seesaw

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Today was the day. Epilepsy was finally gonna bring peace to the world. He was laying down in bed. He was excited and couldn't wait to start the parade. Then he felt something weird. His arm twitched slightly until eventually his whole body started to twitch. Epilepsy screamed and fell of his bed and started breathing heavily. He was having another spaz attack. He hadn't had one for a while now. A few seconds later Schizophrenia jolted in and picked Epilepsy up with his strong arms. He sat him on his bed and hugged him. Epilepsy hugged back and calmed down, tears starting to form. Schizophrenia let go and felt Epilepsy's forehead with his hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
Epilepsy nodded, blushing slightly at Schizophrenia's touch. He nodded and smiled a fake kind of smile.
"I'm fine..." Epilepsy replied, Schizophrenia's hand leaving him. Epilepsy needed to calm down. Today was a day he was not allowed to mess up and have another one of his freak outs.
After a while Epilepsy's friends arrived. Corona, Cancer, AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis A, B, C and a few others like Diarrhoea and Constipation. Ebola wasn't there which made him a little upset.
The gang was standing on a huge stage. Epilepsy was nervous of what was going to happen. He gulped. Corona put his hand on Epilepsy's shoulder.
"Hey, it's going to be okay." Corona said.
Epilepsy sure hoped so. He looked over at Schizophrenia who was staring at MI's who were starting to come close and see what the fuss was about. Schizophrenia was strangely cute, thought Epilepsy. Schizophrenia turned and faced Epilepsy who quickly looked away. He walked over to him.
"Are you ready to start your speech?" Schizophrenia asked.
Epilepsy nodded. He was so nervous. His friends where watching from afar. Epilepsy noticed Anxiety and Depression staring up at him, looking mean. Epilepsy started to twitch. Corona wanted to go and stand beside him but Diarrhoea stopped him.
"Hey Yal," Epilepsy spoke, "Just so you know war is wiggity wack yo!"
The MI's started to laugh a bit.
"I mean, I would like to bring peace between MI's and Sicknesses.
"My name is Epilepsy. I am a high school student. I just wanted to say that peace was always an option and we need to act now!"
"Not another hippie," yelled out someone, possibly Bipolar. "Oh wait actually he seems pretty cool,"
Stupid Bipolar.
"BASKET BALL!" yelled Tourette's.
"I'm kinda hungry," yelled Anorexia.
"I remember that one scary time," PTSD started saying.
Everyone paused. Schizophrenia had shouted that.
"Please just bring peace between us. It doesn't matter if we are different. It doesn't matter what terrible thing you do to people!"
Schizophrenia turned to Epilepsy.
"What matters is that we are all one."
All the MI's went quiet (I forgot to mention the fact that this is being filmed live of MI tv and Sickness tv so that the sicknesses watch this as well).
Schizophrenia walked over to Epilepsy and grabbed him. Epilepsy blushed as Schizophrenia kissed him passionately. Corona was surprised, The Hepatitis sisters clapped, AIDS got hard, Cancer nearly died, Diarrhoea shit himself and Constipation didn't shit himself. The MI's cheered. Epilepsy and Schizophrenia stopped kissing and hugged. Out of the blue Ebola ran over. The group hoorayed. Corona hugged him and the two kissed. After that, Ebola apologised to Epilepsy and all was good. Peace was now brought between the two cities. THE END. I think. Sorry this story is really shitty. Bye my lil ones.

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