Chapter 6: Everyone gansta till scomo does the wombat wobble

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The two reached Schizophrenia's house. It was a huge mansion. ZOO WEE MAMA. Epilepsy was impressed.
"I didn't know being a magician would get you something like this!" Epilepsy chuckled.
"I'm not just a magician..." Schizophrenia replied, unlocking the door.
It was pretty lovely inside.
"Hey, thanks for letting me stay over here!" Epilepsy said happily.
"Anytime," Schizophrenia replied.
The two had some food, and got to work on planning. Epilepsy thought it was kind of dumb since he's in a house of someone he doesn't even really know too well. But, Schizophrenia was famous! He felt safe being near him.
The two sat down on the massive couch, got some paper and started to plan like prep kids when someone tells them that it's colouring in time. They talked about where this should take place, people that could help them and especially the signs.
This went on for about an hour until Epilepsy started to get tired. He yawned.
"Hey let me show you your room," Schizophrenia said.
"Ok," Epilepsy replied.
All of a sudden, out of the blue you might say, Epilepsy was pulled towards Schizophrenia. Now Epilepsy was sitting in Schizophrenia's lap. Epilepsy blushed.
"W-What are you doing?! (Stepbro)" Epilepsy nearly yelled.
"Aw come on," Schizophrenia replied, letting Epilepsy go, the poor lad scrambling away, "A "magician" can't do what pleases him anymore?"
Epilepsy was still blushing. He had to admit the fellow was pretty hot.
"Just...please show me to where you want me to stay"
And with that, Epilepsy went to sleep. Chapter 6. Everyone gansta til scomo does the wombat wobble

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