Chapter 7: !

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After a while, the two created an awesome plan to get MI's and sicknesses to become one. (I can't come up with a plan right now so just figure out one in your head, ok?)
Yes, it was perfect. They had designed a whole freaking parade. Now, they just needed followers.
"I have a few friends that want MI's and sicknesses to be one," Epilepsy said.
Schizophrenia nodded and wrote down things in a notepad.
"Same here," he replied.
"Like who?" Epilepsy asked, moving slightly closer, interested in what he had to say.
" buddies Anxiety and Depression." Schizophrenia said.
Epilepsy went quiet. The guys who tried to kill him? That was weird. Did they really need them to participate? Frick. Aw well, the more participators in the parade the better. Right?

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