Chapter 1: My only fan is my literal friend

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Today was just another boring day at Sick High. Corona Virus was walking to his first class. He was a bit bored. I mean, no one likes school anyways. Then a familiar face appeared. His buddy, Ebola.
"Yo Corie!" Ebola said.
"Sup, Bola!" Corona replied.
The two talked for a while, mainly about school and things that happened in the weekend. After a while their other buddy, Epilepsy came along. He was a cool dude. He was slightly mentally unstable though but that's fine. He greeted them. He wasn't much of a talker so he simply just stood there while the other two talked. He was thinking about the sicknesses arch nemesis's.....mental illnesses. They hated them. They just got in the way. They where annoying and mainly crazy and wild.
Epilepsy was thinking that Mental illnesses really didn't seem that bad and he thought about this all his life. They just seemed....misunderstood.....
"Alright class, come on in." their teacher said, opening the door. Their teachers name was Cron, Mr Cron, his full name Cron's disease.
The class today was doing manology, also known as human studies. They would learn about the ways of the man and woman and how they could completely ruin the poor beings lives. Epilepsy always liked this lesson.

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