Chapter 3: The dumb decision

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Epilepsy was thinking about having a parade, for peace between the sicknesses and the MI's. But then after a while of realising, he thought it was a dumb idea since he could be sent to gaol (jail in Australian). He decided to talk to one of his close friends, cancer. Maybe cancer would know what to do. He looked around the school for a bit and found cancer sitting on AID's lap. Wait, they where dating? Since when?
He walked over.
"Sup guys," Epilepsy mumbled.
"Hey dude," cancer replied.
"I have something to talk to you about..." Epilepsy replied.
Cancer got up off of AIDS, kissed him and followed Epilepsy to a quiet spot.
"One thing, I didn't know you where gay." Epilepsy chuckled.
Cancer smiled and blushed.
"So anyways, I kinda...."
Epilepsy went quiet.
"I want peace between the MI's and the sicknesses," Epilepsy blurted out.
Cancer smiled softly. He had a nice smile.
"I kinda feel the same, what's so bad about the MI's anyways?" Cancer asked.
"Well, the media lies so like...." Epilepsy spoke. "The media makes up all kind of bullshit, like the fact that the author is totally not rushing this dumb story..."
Epilepsy turned to the MI's side of town.
"I think...I might go over there," he said.

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