Chapter 2:Are they that bad (Yes, they are)

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At lunch time, the three boys sat down. They where having Ebolas favourite snack, apples. Apples where the best.
From their seat, they could spot in the distance the Mental illnesses side of the town. The hated side.
Epilepsy could see a couple of people walking around, acting normal. He smiled. Why where sicknesses and Mental illnesses so mean to each other?
"Hiya guys!" a loud voice called out, scaring the friends. There where three girls standing in front of them. The Hepatitis triplets. There was A, B and C. They all looked the same except for their hair colour.
"Hey ladies, hows it going?" Corona asked.
The triplets talked about the mental illnesses and what they had been up to. God those triplets. So sneaky and nosey all the time. That's when Epilepsy got a great idea.
"Guys, what if we go over to the MI side?" Epilepsy said.
The gang glared at him.
"Epi? What do you mean?" Hepatitis B asked.
Epilepsy went quiet.
"I thought we could...maybe go over there and prove to the sicknesses that MI's aren't that...bad?" Epilepsy stuttered.
Ebola stood up quickly and slammed his hands on the table.
"Not this peace on Earth shit again" Ebola yelled.
Epilepsy got scared of Ebola, for he was very scary and ran away. Ebola went to chase after him but Corona stopped him.
Epilepsy was a bit upset by Ebolas actions. But he didn't care if Ebola was a piece of human garbage! He was going to make a change, and March through the streets like an angry feminist. So what if he got into trouble?

Sickness HumansHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin