Chapter 10: Bittersweet

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Kelly's POV
I walked to school just to avoid being in the same space as the girl who broke my heart. I didn't even want to be in the same lunchroom as her so I wondered the halls at lunch instead.

There was 'officers' patrolling the halls during lunch to keep people from out of the halls so I had to be careful not to run into them.

I turned the corner and was met with the back of one of them. I slowly backed up before quickly turning the corner. I crashed into another body, causing me to fall to the floor.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry" the bajan girl said a little too loud.

I put my index finger on my lips, indicating for her to be quiet. She nodded slowly, taking ahold of my hand and pulling me off the ground.

"Hey! You two aren't supposed to be out here" the officer voiced sternly, pointing at us.

Our eyes widen and our feet reacted. We ran down the hall, with the man chasing behind us and failing terribly to keep up. We jolted out the double doors and laughed in victory at our successful escape.

I looked down, realizing we were still holding hands and quietly slipped it away.

She cleared her throat. "So, ya don wanna go in the cafeteria either?"

I shook my head. She nodded in understanding. She probably felt the same way I did, especially since she was the one Beyoncé was actually dating.

She pulled out her car keys and chucked her head towards the student parking lot.

She drove to the take out of my choice and paid for our meals. After that she took us to a park where we sat and ate our food at a picnic table in the middle of the field.

"I'm sorry she hurt you. I'm sorry I hurt you too. It was selfish of me" I apologized to Robyn because I did feel guilty. I knew they were together but completely disregarded their relationship because of my feelings towards Beyoncé.

She shrugged. "You not the one that should be sorry"

I nodded. I guess that was true.

She balled up her trash and looked at the trash bin from across the table.

"5 dollars says that I can make it in" she licked her lips, eyeing the trash bin down. I laughed at how serious her face was.

"Okay" I said taking her on.

She shot the balled up piece of paper in the air. I crossed my fingers together hoping it would miss so I wouldn't be out of 5 dollars. I playfully rolled my eyes when it landed inside the bin.

"Okay that was just luck"

"Was it? Or am I just too damn good" she smirked wiggling her eyebrows. I smiled watching how cocky she got after making one basket.

"If your so good then do it again" I said balling up my trash and handing it to her.

She grinned, loving the idea of a competition. And just like the previous shot before that, it landed inside the bin.

I smacked my lips. "That's because your too close"

"So now I'm too close?" She laughed and shook her head.

I laughed along with her. I always liked Robyn. She was nice to me from the moment we met. It was relieving to enjoy the company of someone else other than Beyoncé for once.

I wasn't doing too good with making new friends at this school but at least I had Robyn as a friend. Everything felt right, until she kissed me. For a second, I think I actually kissed her back.

I gently pushed her off and let out a heavy breath. "Robyn I-" I stumbled across my words, completely shocked that she did that. "I don't think we should"

"I'm sorry" She dropped her head in shame and planted her elbows on her thigh.

"It's okay. Your still hurt by Beyoncé. I know your not thinking straight"

"Beyoncé was only with me because she knew I was the only girl like her in school" she said in between sniffles. "But now there's you"

"I'm sure that's not true Robyn" I said trying my best to comfort her.

"I overheard what you said the other night. I know y'all had sex" she said picking her head back up and facing me. "She never would do that with me. And trust me, I've tried" she shook her head and smiled lightly. "She's in love with you"

I gulped.

"You love her too?" She asked.

I wish these feelings would just go away overnight but they won't. I didn't wanna love her anymore. She hurt me. How am I supposed to know she won't do it again? I wanna be with someone I can trust. And right now, I don't know if that's Beyoncé.

"Should I?"

"You have to decide that for yourself, kels" she told me.

I nodded in agreement.

She stood up, "Well I should probably get you back to school"

"Are you not going back?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I'm not feeling it. Gonna go see a movie instead"

"No point in going alone. I'll pay for the tickets since I owe you 5" I said, earning a smile from the freshly broken hearted girl.

She extended her hand and I took it, lifting myself off the bench.

"As long as you don't try and kiss me again" I smiled teasingly. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Hey!" She laughed giving my shoulder a light nudge. "You kissed me back"

"You wish" I joked pushing her back and making a run towards the car, with her shortly chasing after me.

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