Chapter 7: Enough Said

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Kelly's POV
I wasn't expecting Beyoncé to barge in on me and Cornell like that, and I definitely wasn't prepared to hear her confess her feelings for me in front of him. I know he probably didn't understand what she meant when she said I was someone special but I knew, I knew exactly what she meant.

He shut the door in her face, locked it, and crawled back in bed. I sat up and fixed my clothing.

"I'm not sure what that was about but don't worry, we're alone now" he lightly chuckled scooting close to me.

I looked up at him and sighed. When I was with him, I didn't feel any real connection. There was sexual tension because he's a flirtatious guy but I couldn't see myself being with him. I knew what he wanted and the moment Beyoncé walked through those doors I realized I didn't want the same thing.

"Look Cornell.. I like you, okay?"

He smiled wide, "That's a good thing right?"

"Yes but.. I'm not ready for this" I honestly spoke.

"Well you seemed ready just a few minutes ago" he raised his eyebrow confused on my sudden change of heart.

"I- I want my first time to be with someone special" I closed my eyes when I heard how harsh that sounded.

He looked down and sighed. "I see.. Well that's okay Kelly. I like you enough to wait for you"

I put my hand on his cheek and he looked up at me. "I don't know if I'm ever gonna be ready for you Cornell"

"Well why not? Is it something I did?" He made his attention towards me, genuinely wanting to know what it was.

I couldn't tell him that I was falling for another person because that would just break his heart. I liked him enough to not want to hurt his feelings.

"I think we should just be friends for now" he took ahold of my hand that was on his cheek.

"That's fine with me kels"

I leaned in and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for understanding" He smiled and we got up from off the bed and gave each other a long hug.

Beyoncé was probably waiting on me to come out so I left the room and went to go find her. I looked all around the house but she was nowhere to be found. How could she just leave me after saying something like that to me? I exhaled realizing that I'd have to walk alone again, but this time in the dark. I zipped up my jacket and started my walk.

I rubbed my hands together trying to get warm after walking inside. The first place I went was beys room. I needed to hear more about what she was saying earlier. But when I opened her door, she wasn't there.

I instantly got sad because I know she was probably out with Robyn. I know I have these feelings for Beyoncé but I don't wanna be played with. If she wants to be with someone else instead of me, that's fine. I'll just leave her alone for now on. I'm not gonna let her break my heart. It was probably best for me to stay away from her because I don't know if the feelings I have for her is wrong or right.

Beyoncé's POV
Alicia noticed that I looked upset, so without telling me she drove me to a diner. She told me that when she's feeling down she always comes here to eat their famous cherry pie. I sat in the booth and she took the seat across from me. I ordered the same as her but with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

She smiled watching the lady hand us our pies. "Your gonna love it" she said. I chuckled and grabbed my fork. "Wait wait" she stopped me in the mist of me cutting a piece. She grabbed a bottle of whipped cream and sprayed it in the center of my pie. She gave me the signal to continue.

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