Chapter 5: Someone Special

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Beyoncé's POV
I had Billie Jean by Michael Jackson playing loud in my room. It was one of my favorites. I grabbed my remote, pretending it was a mic. I started to dance like Michael. I probably looked a mess but I didn't care cause his music made me feel so good.

That was until the door opened and I met eyes with Kelly. She had a small grin on her face as if she was amused with what she saw. "Get out!" I yelled. She quickly shut the door and I threw my remote on the bed. Why can't she just learn how to knock! I hated that.

I turned the music off and followed her to the attic. "Don't they teach you to knock before entering?" I was tired of her barging in on me. She's been doing it since she got here.

"No" she shrugged. "I always just walked in"

"Well it's rude Kelly. I could've been doing anything"

"Oh I know" she said under her breath scratching her nose.

"Is this what this is about? You don't approve of my lifestyle?"

"I- Beyoncé what are you even talking about?"

"You don't like that I'm with a girl"

"No, what I don't like is your constant mood swings" she snapped back.

"I don't have any mood swings"

"You're nice to me one minute and then in a matter of seconds you hate me. I thought you liked me"

My heart dropped hearing the hurt in her voice. I moved over and sat next to her. "I don't hate you Kelly"

"Then what is it?" She looked up at me with glossy eyes.

I wanted to tell her how I've been feeling about her but I just didn't know how.

"I'm sorry" I lowly spoke.

"Your gonna have to do better than that" she said, making me laugh.

"I'm sorry Kelendria Rowland" I shifted around the small spaced attic before resting my head on her thighs. "How could you ever forgive me?"

"I could think of something" she looked down, finding my eyes. I loved staring into her eyes. It killed me that I couldn't kiss her right now. "Bey?"

"Hmm?" I hummed, playing with my fingers.

"How'd you know you liked girls?" She asked, never taking her eyes off me.

I looked back up at her. Why does she wanna know? Does she feel what I'm feeling? Should I kiss her? Does she want me to kiss her?

"Bey?" She repeated snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry" I felt my cheeks heat up. "Well.. I guess I just never felt the way about guys that I feel about girls"

"This feeling you get, is it with every girl? Or is it just with someone special"

I smiled. "Someone special. Definitely someone special"

"Don't tell me your thinking about Robyn right now" she grabbed my chin, softly shaking it. "I can tell when your thinking about her, you always start blushing"

"What makes you think it's because of her?" I questionably raised my eyebrow and she furrowed hers.

"Then who-

"Time for dinner" mama yelled, not bothering to walk up the stairs to the attic.

I sat up, "You heard her" I smirked at the confused face plastered on Kelly's face.

"Wait bey" she called out. I looked up, "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"If you want me to hold you just say so" I groaned jokingly.

She smiled and turned her head starting to blush. I put my index finger on her chin and turned her head, so she was facing me. "If you get to see me blush, I get to see you" I said looking between her eyes and lips. She bit her lip and looked down. "Uh uh" I said lifting her chin back up.

"Weren't you leaving?" she playfully rolled her eyes.

"You not coming?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'll be down in a minute"

Kelly's POV
I took several minutes. I needed to calm my body down. I think.. she turned me on? I don't know how to explain it but I got this funny feeling all over my body, mainly in between my thighs. I was nervous to even sleep with her tonight because what if I start feeling like this again?

I waited until I thought she was asleep to creep in her bed. But of course she heard me when I closed the door behind me.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming" her deep raspy voice sounded through the room.

I bit my lip at how sexy her voice sounded when she was half-sleep. On the way over to her bed I embarrassedly tripped on her book bag she left on the floor.

I fell on top of her, luckily she had pretty good reflexes and caught me. She held me by the waist to keep me from completely falling. Our lips were inches away from touching each other. I breathe heavily at how hard it was not to put my lips on hers.

"You okay?" She asked slowly letting go of my waist, allowing my body to lay fully on top of hers.

"Uh yea, thank you" I nervously gulped.

She groaned, feeling my weight of my body pressing against hers. I bit my lip, loving the way that sounded. I scooted over to the other side of the bed and frowned once I wasn't near her warm body anymore

"So what is it about this Nelly guy?" Beyoncé randomly blurted out.

"What you mean?" I asked unsure of what she was trying to say.

"I mean what do you know about him? You never talk about him"

I shrugged, "He's a nice guy"

"He's just trying to get in your pants" she mumbled.

"That's not nice Beyoncé"

"Sometimes the truth hurts Kelly"

"Sound jealous to me" I smirked teasingly.

She scoffed. "Jealous of what? I could have him by breakfast and you for dinner"

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "You wish"

She turned over and pulled the covers over her head, taking an attempt on going to sleep.

"Wait bey" I let out a small whine, pulling on her arm. She unwrapped the covers from her head and looked at me. "Yes Kelly?"

"Are you not gonna hold me?" I asked speaking in the same tone.

I saw her smile and shake her head. "You are such a baby kelendria"

"Well?" I said still waiting for my answer.

"Come here" she groaned scooting closer to me.

I wrapped my arms around her torso and buried my head into her chest. I could lay in her arms all day. She made me feel safe. Oh no. I think I have feelings for her.

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