Chapter 11: Run Away

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Beyoncé's POV
My life was quickly falling apart. I lost Kelly, Robyn, and my mother all in the same week. What did I do to deserve this? I was sitting in my room alone in the dark when Solange walked in.

"Bey I can't keep bringing you food. You have to come out sometime"

"I'm not hungry Solange" I sighed.

She huffed and sat down on my bed. "I need to tell you something"

I waited for her to say whatever was on her mind. She avoided eye contact with me as she played with her fingers. I sat up, now really concerned with what she wanted to say.

"Solange?" I said grabbing her attention. "What is it?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"It was me" she said lowly, still avoiding eye contact. I didn't know what she was talking about. "I told mama about you.. liking girls" she looked at me with apologetic eyes.

I shut my eyes tight thinking about how bad I treated Kelly because I thought she was the one who outed me.

"I didn't know you were really gay I swear. I was just talking, you know how I say whatever's on my mind" she explained to me. "I'll make things right bey. Just let me talk to mama. I don't want you to hate me"

"Solange" I exhaled, I don't even know what to say to her. If she just knew how bad she messed up my life..

"Don't bother talking to mama. She's never gonna accept me"

"Don't say that bey"

"You know it's true Solange" I sighed. "Look I just wanna be alone right now"

I waited until she was fully out the door to get up. I was tired of being in my room. If Tina won't let me go anywhere, I'll just sneak out. It was already past dinner time so she probably won't check my room until morning so I snuck out the window.

I zipped my jacket up and pulled my hood over my head. I walked to wherever my feet would take me and ended up at the diner Alicia introduced me to.

I walked inside and was immediately hit with the warmth of the small restaurant. I sat in the same booth we shared the night of the party. A waitress wasted no time bringing me a menu.

"Anything I can help you with baby?" She smiled.

"Umm, yea. I'll just have the cherry pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream" 

"I'll have that right out for you"

I nodded as the woman walked away. I rested my head on the table. The heat was starting to make me sleepy. Someone entered the diner and was greeted by the woman that just took my order.

"Hey babygirl. Looks like someone took your spot"

"Is that right?" The girl responded. A few seconds later I felt a pair of hands on my back. "Excuse me ma'am?" She said, forcing me to look up. She smiled wide once I laid eyes on her.

"Remember me?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey Alicia" I smiled, fully sitting up.

She held her chest. "Whew, for a second there I thought you forgot about me"

I shrugged, "I made my best guess"

She laughed and shook her head. "So what's got you down?" She asked sitting across from me.

"I don't wanna bother you with my problems" I huffed fiddling with my fingers. She reached over and took ahold of my hand.

"You wouldn't be bothering me. I wanna make you feel better"

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