Chapter 1: Space

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Kelly's POV
It was my first night officially staying with the Knowles family. Tina was busy all day enrolling me in school and making sure I had everything I needed. It was time to wash up, Solange was first.

I was in the kitchen drinking lemonade when I overheard Tina and Beyoncé arguing, I wasn't trying to be nosy but they were so loud I couldn't tune them out. Tina insisted that I stay in Beyoncé's room so I could have company but Beyoncé said that she needed her space as a growing teen.

"I'm growing into a woman mama, I need my space" the blonde haired girl protested to her mother.

"You and Kelly have the same body parts Beyoncé"

"But I just got my own room from sharing it with Solange all these years. Please don't take this away from me mama. If she wants company she can stay in Solanges room" Beyoncé continued pleading her case. She was persistent and I could tell that she really wanted her privacy.

I lightly knocked on the door causing it to open slightly. They both stopped talking and looked towards me. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt but you don't have to put Beyoncé out because of me. I'm fine wherever, really"

"Oh baby" Tina walked over to me and wrapped her arm around me. "She didn't mean it she's just going through a phase. I'll get you settled"

Beyoncé's POV
I closed my door after they rudely left it open after leaving my room. How hard is it to close a door? I was all for Kelly staying with us until mama started talking about giving up my room. I liked my space. In fact, I needed it.

I know Kelly is her God daughter but I don't want her to be all up in my business. Besides, Solange is good company if you just ignore how annoying she is.

I opened my door and peaked out to see if they were gone. When the coast was clear I made my way to the bathroom where Solange was taking her before bed bath.

"Hey! I'm in here" Solange shouted, she was in the middle of making a beard with the bubbles. I laughed to myself reminiscing the times when I did that too before shushing her.

"Shh. Listen, I'll give you five dollars if you let Kelly stay in your room"

"Hmm.." she looked up in thought before mischievously smirking at me. "Make it ten and you got yourself a deal"

I rolled my eyes, she gets the negotiating from daddy.

"Deal" I shook her wet hand to secure the deal and she smiled, feeling accomplished. "I'll put it under your pillow" I told her, exiting the bathroom.

When everyone was finished washing up we all sat down at the table and ate dinner together like how the families do in movies. I know it's only because Kelly was here because we don't usually do this. I hope this wasn't going to be routine because I like watching greys anatomy while eating my dinner.

"Beyoncé when you're finished eating I need you to help Kelly unpack her things in the attic"

"The attic?" I asked, we haven't used that attic in forever. It couldn't be safe for her to be up there without deep cleaning it first. I mean.. what if there's spiders?

"Yes. Since you aren't willing to share your room, she'll be sleeping in the attic" she shot a disappointed glare towards me.

I kind of felt bad. I just know when it rains she wouldn't be able to get any sleep hearing every single rain drop.

I agreed to help, even though I knew I had no say in the matter. We finished eating and I grabbed Solange by her collar, while she was tryna escape to her room.

"I want my money back" I whispered to the little scammer I call sister.

"No take backs" she slapped my hand and stuck her tongue out before speeding off. I usually would chase after her but I knew mama would be on my ass tonight.

I made my way up the attic where Kelly already was. She was folding her clothes neatly and putting them in a cubby mama must've gave her.

"You don't have to help, I'm almost done"

"No it's fine. I can help" I insisted, wanting to at least do this one thing for her since she probably thinks I'm the meanest person ever after how I acted earlier.

She didn't say anything she just continued to fold her clothes. I unzipped another bag she had and started taking things out. She stopped what she was doing and grabbed my hand. I furrowed my eyebrows looking down at her hand that was now touching mine, then looked back at her. This was the first time she looked me in my eyes since she's been here.

"Those are my mamas things" she spoke lowly.

"Oh. I- I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

She looked down, breaking eye contact. I wasn't sure if she was gonna cry or not. I'd probably cry. She didn't have her dad here to console her after her mama passed and I know she probably wanted her daddy.

"I- I know it's a little cramped in here so if you wanna change in my room you can"

"Thank you" she said not bothering to look at me.

I continued to help her unpack until she got to the last bag. I pulled out a picture of me and Kelly laying besides a tree. I scoffed in a smile staring at the picture. I remember playing with her as kids. We were inseparable. It's been years since I've seen her, she looks so different now. So beautiful.

"You remember this?" I questioned, seeing if she remembered how close we used to be.

She lightly smiled nodding her head. So she does remember. I didn't think she was gonna speak so I started to put the frame back.

"You swore up and down you was faster than me" her smile grew a little wider, I smiled at the sight. "But when we raced to that tree, I shut you up"

I shook my head and laughed. "Naw. That's not how I remember it"

"Don't let your mind play tricks on you bey. You lost"

"No you cheated, you started running way before they said go" I said getting all riled up.

"I beat you" she said rubbing it in.

"I want a rematch!" I stood up too fast in the narrow part of the attic and hit my head on the ceiling. I held my head in pain and she quickly crawled over to me.

"You okay?" She looked genuinely concerned, placing her hand on the back of my head and started to massage the area I hit.

I closed my eyes enjoying the way she was rubbing my head. I opened my eyes and looked at her, pressing her full concern on me. I was starting to enjoy the feeling a little too much. I gulped feeling myself become nervous. Something that rarely happens to me.

"Okay Kelly, I think you got it" I scoffed.

"Oh, I'm sorry" she slowly moved her fingers from my head.

"I-I'm gettin' tired. Maybe we'll finish unpacking after school tomorrow" I didn't wait for her to respond. I just hurried out of there before I started to feel anymore weird.

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