Chapter 17

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(Dean's POV)

     It took exactly 3 months for it all to go to hell. My perfect fantasy ruined. Let's start at the beginning shall we?

1 Day before

"So, Cas, Dean" Jo starts "Are you guys going to the party tonight?"

"Jo not to be offensive but last party you invited me to was lame with only like 6 people there" I say. She scoffs.

"I wasn't in charge of that. Besides this one is hosted by none other than the demons!" We all groan.

"Even better" I say sarcastically. That gets me a slap in the arm from Jo.

"It will be fine Dean. Half the campus will be there anway." Charlie puts in.

"I'll go" Cas speaks up. I look at him in surprise.



"Well I really want to go with you angel but I'm really behind on my classes"

"Oh, well I can stay home and help you" he says half-heartedly, I knew he didn't want to. Besides what's the worst that can happen?

"No, it's fine. Go on, just don't have too much fun without me though"

"Never" he says while getting up and kissing me on the cheek "See you tonight"

"Yep! Have fun tonight guys" I get an arrangement of answers from the group as they all leave to go get ready.


     I finally finish my classwork, I check my phone. I have no notifications so I decide to go to the party and make sure Cas gets home safe.

     I find the apartment easily because of the blasting music. I walk in and Jo was right, this was better than the first party. I walk around but can't see my fiancee anywhere. I see Charlie and walk up to her.

"Have you seen Cas anywhere?" I ask her.

     "No, no I have not" she says with a grin. I nod my head and walk away. Maybe he's in a bedroom passed out? Knowing how lightweight he is, it doesn't surprise me. I look in the first room and it's empty, I crack the door open but hear moaning so I go to shut it, that is until I hear.

     "Unng" a deep voice moans, "I think someone just walked in" then I hear Cas laugh. His deep throaty laugh. But it isn't from behind me. It's from the dark bedroom. I slam the door shut and speed walk towards the front door.

     "Dean! Stop!" Jo and Charlie yell. I stop in the hallway and turn around to face them. I'm aware of tears rolling down my face.

"What's wrong?" Jo asks.

"Ca-" I couldn't say it "Back bedroom" and with that I run to my dorm and get on my bed.


(Cas' POV)

     I don't remember much of last night, just waking up alone in a bed of someone else's dorm. My head is killing me but I roll over and try to find my clothe- WHY AM I NAKED?! My drunk self probably got hot and took all my clothes off. I put them on and stumble out to my dorm. Halfway there I get stopped by and angry red head and a blonde.

"WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU DO TO DEAN?!" Charlie yells. I flinch at her volume.

"What do you mean?"

     "Just that Dean left the party CRYING?! He couldn't even talk properly he was so upset. I haven't seen him that upset since his mom died! So I'm gonna ask one last time. What. Did. You. Do?" Jo rants. I'm so confused.

     "I don't remember. I woke up without any clothes I must've gotten hot last night before I passed out" realization dawns on their faces before I get slapped in the face by both of them before they storm off.

     Oh god, I didn't cheat did I? I would never forgive myself if I did. With my nerves everywhere I head to our dorm. I walk in to an empty dorm. That is until I see Dean sitting in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Dean? I'm so sorry! Please just let me explain"

"Stop Castiel. Just stop"

"It was a mistake and I don't remember it at all. I was drunk" He grabs a glass and throws it at the wall.

     "THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE! AND YOU KNOW IT!" the thing that hurts the most in this situation is that I know Dean, I can see behind the strong mask he puts on. And right now he's so hurt I can't even process it. I want to reach out and comfort him. But I know that won't work.

"Dean? I'm sorry and I know that won't make up for what happened but-"

"I think we need to see other people Cas" It felt like my whole world fell apart. I could feel my eyes sting and wetness on my cheeks. This can't be happening.

"Please don't do this baby! I love you!"

"I know, but after what happened I just can't see us working out. I can't trust you anymore Cas. It's what needs to happen"

I walk up to him. I can't leave without saying I tried, as I get closer he doesn't step away. Soon we are inches apart.

"You said you wouldn't leave me"

"I know Cas. But this is where I have to draw the line"

     I lean closer until our lips are centimeters apart, he still doesn't move. I can see the battle he's having in his head. I close the rest of the distance and kiss him like it's the last time, because it is. I feel him kissing back and hope blossoms in my chest. Until he pushes me away gently. He glances at me then looks away.

"Cas-" his voice cracks at the same time as my heart.

     What I would do to go back to the time when we were happy and made forts like little kids. When we were happy. Reality hits like a brick wall. He just broke up with me. Are we still going to be friends? Will he ignore me? Will he move on quickly? He promised he wouldn't leave me. But can you blame him. There's a main question going through my head. The question that is so simple, yet carries so much behind it. The question I don't know the answer to. The same question that I knew would cause life worrying regret. The two words that are echoing in my mind, Like I knew they would about 2 years ago. I knew no matter what happened to us, those words would hang over us. The thing I found out, was that the words are horrifying, not exciting. Those two words that I uttered while standing with my world falling around me are...

"What now?"

     A/N: *cough, cough* sorry..? (not sorry), this is the end.... Please don't murder me? I don't know how to end this.

Who wants a sequel? (Mind you I can't do that if you kill me)

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