Chapter 12

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Sam's POV


I woke up to dad passed out on the couch. Empty beer and a few liquor bottles surrounding him. I head to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth before heading to school. As I see myself in the mirror I gasp. I have a forming black eye, and a barely split lip.

Flashback to the night before

John came home drunk as usual, I'm sitting in my room doing homework. God I hate Algebra 2. I'm interrupted from my work by dad banging on my door. It's locked because I knew he would be home soon. I pretend I'm asleep. Its worked in the past, maybe it'll work tonight. Hopeful thinking, because dad starts yelling at me through the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR SAMUEL! I KNOW YOU'RE NOT SLEEPING! ARE YOU DOING HOMEWORK?" He laughs "OH DEAR LORD, HELP ME! WHY DID DEAN HAVE TO LEAVE? WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE LEFT? I WOULD MUCH RATHER HAVE THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING BRAT THAN YOU! HE AT LEAST KEEPS HIS HEAD DOWN AND IS RESPECTFUL! YOU JUST TALK BACK AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!" He finishes before continuing to knock rapidly on my door. I can hear it rattling on the hinges. It won't last long before It's knocked down, I might as well open the door before it gets broken down. That way I will be able to hide in the future.

I stand up and unlock the door.

"There's the nerd"

"Yes father?" I ask. Trying to keep my voice calm. The better I act, the sooner my punishment is over, and the less severe they are.

"Where's Dean?"

"At college" The last of my patience are running thin. I'm so close to snapping

"Why did he leave me here with you?" He says, his face a look of pure disgust. I snapped.

"BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT TO LIVE IN THIS HELL HOLE! HE GOT OUT! AND THE SECOND I TURN EIGHTE-" I stop short as I feel a sharp pain on my face. I blank out for a few seconds. When I come to my eye is throbbing and my lip stings. Oh no. Now I've done it, he's going to tell Dean. But it serves John right. He needed to be put in place. I hear him on the phone with Dean.

"-I know you won't leave me. You're the son I can rely on."

It hurts. I thought Dean would have stood up for me.

End of Flashback

This has happened before. I don't feel like covering it up, so I'll just say Dean came over and we wrestled. It's worked in the past. I text Gabe:

S: Hey :)

G: Hey Moose

S: I miss you :(

G: I miss you too babe

S: I'll try to come up after school on Friday. Does Dean know?

G: I don't really know

S: I have to head to school. Text you later

G: Bye

I head to school, I have to walk because Dad doesn't want me, and I quote 'Embarrass me while driving that piece of shit to school'. As I'm headed to school Jess stops by in her Blue Ford Fiesta.

"Need a ride?" She says with a smile. I know she likes me, I almost dated her... until I met Gabe. I tried to distance myself from her that way I wouldn't give her the wrong idea and lead her on. But she won't give up, and I'm to nice to tell her to back off. I decided to get in the car, I don't feel like walking.

"Was that your dad again?" Oh yeah. She also knows about how my dad takes care of his anger. She's the only person outside of family that knows. I just nod my head in response.

"Were you wrestling Dean again?" She likes to ask what story I'm going with so she can back me up. I just nod my head once again. The rest of the car ride is silent, but a comfortable silence. The school day drags on slowly, I manage to get through by texting Gabriel about his future pranks.

When the day is over I walk home. As I open the door I don't smell the strong stench of liquor. It's there, just not as pronounced. Which means he left sometime this morning. And most likely won't be back until Thursday. Depending on where he's going. Hopefully he'll be gone until Friday so I can go to Hoover this weekend without him interfering.

It's been a long day. With last night, on top of getting bullied at school. I can't tell which bruises were caused by dad or my peers. I'll have to come up with something for this weekend. Dean will come back home, ditch his dream of leaving just to be here with me. I don't want that. I can suffer through this for a few more months, then I'll be free.

It's about 8:00 when my phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID expecting Gabe, but I see Deans' name. I sigh and try to put on the best fake voice I can muster before hitting 'Accept'. I raise the phone to my ear.

"Hey jerk"

"We need to talk Sammy" The breath leaves my lungs. What happened? Is he okay? Oh god!

"What's wrong Dean?"

"I can trust you right? I can trust that if something happens- good or bad- that you'll tell me?" My heart is pounding in my chest. I think I've been honest. The only thing I haven't told him about is Gabriel. He couldn't have found out. Unless someone told him, but I trust them to keep my secret.

"Of course. Why would I keep anything from you?" I hear something crash, I flinch. He's probably mad at me. But I haven't kept anything from him and there's no way that he knows about Gabe.

"Dammit Sam! I asked for the truth!" He sounds absolutely pissed.

"Dean I don't know what you're talking about" I try to keep my voice calm, it will end this quicker.

"How's Gabriel?" He asks. His voice is strangely calm, there is something behind it... I can't put my finger on what the emotion is though.

"How would I know?" I say with a chuckle "I haven't seen or talked to him since I saw him at Hoover"

"Bullshit" Dean growls over the phone. I hear a conversation in the background. I assume Castiel is the other person.

"Who are you talking to Dean?"


"Is everything okay? You sound pretty pissed" Cas chuckles, probably trying to lighten the mood.

"It's fine" Dean growls again.

"Come on Dean-"

"I said it's fine! Do you not understand that I'm lying because I don't want to tell you!?" There was silence, "Cas, I'm sorry. Ple-" He was interrupted by a door slamming shut.

"Dammit" He mumbles, all the fight and aggression has left his voice. Now he's just tired. "If something is happening or bothering you... please tell me Sam" He's so quiet I can barely hear him. He sounds so broken, god I haven't heard him like this since after mom died, or on those few nights when he thought I was asleep. Don't ask why I'm about to say this. I don't know what comes over me. But I think I'm going to regret doing this.

"There isn't anything going on Dean" He sighs

"Okay, I believe you"

"Bye. Love you jerk

"I know bitch"

And with that we hung up.

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