Chapter 13

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(Castiel's POV) When Dean was on the phone

     I was sitting on our bed. Yes, OUR bed. We pushed our twin beds together, so it's a queen bed basically. I'm sitting on our bed when I hear Dean growl something. I get up and quietly walk out the bedroom door to see Dean sitting on the couch with his back to me on the phone.

"Who are you talking to Dean?" I ask, trying to keep my voice neutral to keep the situation calm.


"Is everything okay? You sound pretty pissed" I give a light chuckle, hopefully to lighten the mood. Apparently it gave the opposite effect.

"It's fine" he growls at me.

"Come on Dean-" I try to reason with him.

     "I said it's fine! Do you not understand that I'm lying because I don't want to tell you!?" I sat there staring at him in shock. Did he really just get pissed at me for trying to comfort him? "Cas, I'm sorry. Ple-" I'm already walking out the door. If he wants to be like that I'll just give him time to cool off. He can come find me when he's ready to actually talk and not rip my head off.

     I don't know where I'm going. Maybe I'll go to Charlie's... she's probably with Jo. Every friend I have is busy. Maybe Gabe is free. I decide to text him incase he has a conquest in his bed. I'd rather not walk in on that again.

C: Hey Gabe, are you busy?

G: No, what's wrong?

I don't respond, just head for his dorm.

When I arrive I just walk in, he only locks his door when he's asleep or gone.

"Hello?" I hear him ask.

"It's Cas"

"Cas! What's wrong" we meet each other in the living room.

"I just need a break"

"Trouble in paradise" he asks with a small smirk.

"I guess. He's in a crappy mood so I'm being the responsible one and giving him space. He'll come find me if he wants to" I say as I sit on Gabe's couch. He watches me warily.

"What happened?"

"I do believe it was about you and Sam"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes" he looks confused.

"If Dean is gay- or bi, whatever he is- then why hasn't Sam told him about us?" that right there is the big question.

"I don't know either Gabe. Maybe he's scared about Dean being upset about the age gap between you two."


     "I know, but he is probably scared anyway. I know Dean was- is- on edge about being bi. I don't know why. Anytime I bring it up Dean clams up. I assume it has something to do with their dad. Considering he clams up when I bring John up too." Gabe sighs, "I'd just bring it up with Sam, maybe he'll be more open with you"

"You're right. Thanks baby brother" he says while patting me on the back. I jerk away from the touch with a smile on both our faces.

"I'm going to the bathroom"

     "Don't gotta tell me. Unless you want me to hold your hand. I'm sorry brother. I'd love to but I am on a strict 'no helping siblings pee past potty training' rule" I roll my eyes as he smirks at his own joke. I stand up and stretch my arms over my head as I walk towards the bathroom.

     I do my business and look at myself in the mirror. I'm not mad at Dean. It's just that he needs space and I'm willing to give it to him. I want an open and honest relationship, but I don't thunk I'm going to accomplish that with Dean. Maybe in the future he'll tell me about his past, and I'll tell him about how I got disowned by my family. But until then we'll never be close, it will always loom over us like a rain cloud that will only open when Dean decides it needs to rain. At the rate we're going, it won't be until there's a bad drought.

I walk out of the bathroom to hear Gabe talking to Dean.

"Is he hear?" Dean asks

"Why yes he is Dean-o. Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to tell him I'm off the phone so he can come back"

"How was the talk with Sam?"

     "It was fine, we got some things cleared up. Now don't laugh at me, but I heard some things that led me to believe that you and Sam were an item. He reassured me that you guys weren't. So sorry if I've been crappy to you since this morning. Guess I just got protective." Gabe laughs.

     "Oh Dean that's absurd! I'm glad you talked to Sam before I got beat up by the very ferocious squirrel" I walk out to the living room to see Dean roll his eyes. We lock gazes at each other before I say goodbye to Gabe and walk out the door.

"Cas I'm so sorry"

"It's fine"

"Please don't do that. Talk to me angel. Please." We stop in the hallway. Our door a few feet away. I turn around and pull him close. Our mouths close but we can still see each others eyes.

     "I swear I'm not mad. You needed space and I gave it to you" I kiss him gently on the lips. "I promise. Okay?" He nods his head. I pull away and grab his hand. We walk into the dorm and spend the rest of the night laying in bed. Sharing long, lazy kisses and watching throwback Disney movies.

     I would do just about anything to escape the drama of every day life and just lay here with him. But I know that can't happen, in the depths of each others comfort we can relax and pretend that it's just us in this world. But when we leave our bubble, reality will set in and we'll have to go back to the world of lies from the past, the homophobic people, and the challenges life throws at us. No matter what comes our way I know we'll make it through. I will always love Dean Winchester with all my heart.

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