Chapter 11

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 Dean's POV


     The answer to his question 'What now'. The thing is, I don't know what. As long as we're at Hoover, I think we can come out. Jo is supportive, if what happened Sunday was anything to go by. Sam is supportive, I know that.

"I don't know, I guess we'll take it one day at a time." I feel him nod against my chest.

     "Is this real? I've dreamt about this so many times, please tell me it's real. That it isn't some sick prank" My heart broke, the fact he thought I would hurt him, broke me. Well you didn't really give him a reason to think otherwise. Really? I 'admitted to the rainbow shining out of my ass' why are you still here? The readers asked. And they shall receive. Oh god, don't tell me you're my poetic gay thoughts now. I thought you weren't gay? I'm not. Then why am I your GAY thoughts? Because you said you were... Because you are... I'm bi! So you've said. Why? God knew you would need a friend, because you're ya' know... friendless, except me. I have friends! Because of me... You're my gay thoughts, not my friendship thoughts. I beg to differ... Remember you were scared to talk to Aaron in 6th grade? I was the one who made you grow a pair and talk to him. Little did you know that I just wanted you two to get together. It's a shame you just realized 'the rainbow' as you call it. Whatever I'm going to talk to my boyfriend. Good you've had a longer conversation with me than you've ever had with him. Alright shut up. Toodles.

"Dean?" Cas asks with a smile.

"Hm? Oh, sorry. I zoned out, what did you ask?"

"I said we should head to lunch, because we've been standing here for about 1 hour. We've already missed the first lecture."

"Okay, that's fine with me" He seems to hesitate about something. Before deciding against it and pulling away.

"What is it angel?" He blushes at the nickname.


"Please don't lie to me"

"Sorry. It's just" He sighs, looking like whatever he wants to say is difficult to get out. I rub his arm in comfort, "I don't want us to be a secret, but I'll do whatever I need to be with you"

"Hey" I put my hand under his chin so he can look at me "We can be public" He lights up like a Christmas tree.


"Yes! Of course. Everyone I know is supportive of their friends. I shouldn't be any different. So let's go to lunch, and be public"

     "Okay" Cas says with a smile that could challenge the sun. Damn.. What now? You're just full of poetry when you're around him. Oh shut up! Toodles. I could tell he was containing his excitement by how he was bouncing up and down like a kid on a sugar high.

"Alright. Calm down fiddle-foot" I say, trying to contain my laughter and keep a straight face. He looks at me in confusion before shrugging.

     "I'm going to go get ready, okay?" I nod and he runs into our room. I chuckle at how adorable he was when he wasn't being a nerd, or the up-tight, stick-up-the-ass Castiel that everyone hates. This is the Cas that I lov-... That I love to hang out with. Oh boy, do I have to drag you out of the 'love closet' now? We just became official, it's to soon. Okay, I can respect that. You better get better at covering up though. Even Pinochio is a better liar than you. Can you go away? Hm.. Well, I am you, and you are me. You want me here, or else you would've gotten rid of me.

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