Chapter 9

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A/N: Hello my peoples, this is exactly (minus the Authors Note) 2,000 words. YAY! Merry Christmas, I've been writing this all day. It's ok tho, I enjoy writing.

(Castiel's POV)

Monday (still)

     I was so excited, I don't want to think about it like a date, but I couldn't help myself. He said that I wasn't just a one night stand. Maybe he wants to be more? don't get your hopes up, he probably just wants to let you down easy. Oh shut up.  Just be careful.  Fine.

     I was in my last lecture. There are 20 minutes left. When it's done I will have enough time to get back to the dorm and change before 3. I wonder where he's taking me, wherever it is I'll love it because I'm with him. God I'm such a sap. 

     The last 20 minutes of class seem to crawl by. I can't take my eyes off the clock, counting down the minutes until I can go back to the dorm. 

     19 minutes 32 seconds.

     18 minutes 21 seconds

     15 minutes 58 seconds

     The time slowly ticks by until it's 20 seconds left




















     I get up and sprint out the door. My professor still explaining the homework for tonight. I don't care about that though, I'll get it done tomorrow. I walk out the main building and start walking across the parking lot to the dorms. I don't see the Impala, maybe he's out at the bank? Or he realized he needed something from the store that he forgot to tell me about? He should still be in lectures though. Did he ditch? I'm worrying myself about nothing. He came home drunk last night, he probably parked in a different spot. I continue walking with a hop in my step.

     When I arrive at the dorm I look at the microwave clock and see that I have enough time to shower. I get my clothes and hop in the shower. When I get out I stand in front of the mirror and dry off. I observe myself, and the scars on my arms, they're faint because I didn't cut too deep. But they're still there, and still ugly. I roll my eyes over how much I'm in love with Dean. I was going to kill myself because he didn't like me back. But now I'm about to go on a date with him!

     I throw on a black hoodie, some dark jeans and my black converse to go with it all. A similar outfit to earlier.

     I walk out to the living room, it's 3:00. Dean should be here by now, but I don't see him anywhere Maybe he's running late. I mean, it's right on time. I think to myself. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV, The Office turns on. After a few episodes it's about 4:00 and Dean still isn't here. I decide to text him. 

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