A Guest

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1112 words~

Your pov~

In a few days it will be me and Killua's 6 month anniversary. We ended up switching into another hotel in York New so it's even bigger than before. I have made a lot of new friends these past months and a lot of exploring. I also spent a lot more time with Killua. We have done a lot of dates and stuff too. I also got to meet his sister last month. She is super sweet and already loves me! Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio are still here as well but Kurapika and Leorio said they have to leave in a few weeks, Leorio has a job and Kurapika has to do his ordinary chain user business. Gon will be sticking around still and I think it will be like that for a while. It also supposed to meet his aunt soon which i'm excited about as well.

We are all currently on a walk around the city. I'm holding hands with Killua and we are all laughing and joking around. We got ice cream and went to a few small shops close by. We then ended up going back to the hotel where I got a phone call by an unknown number. I walked into the hallway to answer it privately.

"Hello?" I said first

"Hello, is this y/n?"

"Uh yeah speaking?"

"I'm Jessica your old training partner."

"Excuse me what?"

"Your father use to train us together. When I heard what happen to your family I immediately started looking for you and here we are."

"Oh I remember you know. Did you need something?"

"Yes actually. I wanted to talk in person soon, maybe today?"

"Oh uh yeah today's oils be fine I guess."

"Okay great!"

We ended up deciding to meet at the cafe nearby. She said she would be there in an hour so I got dress quickly. I put on sweatpants and a crop top with sneakers and told everyone i'd be leaving for a little. Killua kissed me goodbye and I waved to everyone else. Once I got there I saw a blonde girl with silver eyes sitting by herself at a both. It was Jessica. She really didn't look any different from when I saw her last time. She waved me over with a smile.

"Y/n! It's so nice to see you again!"

"Yeah you could say that." I said. I was really tired so maybe I was a little harsh but she didn't seem to mind.

"I wanted to catch up on everything and see how you were doing."

"Oh nothing really happened since my family passed but I did become a Hunter and stop doing so many missions as an assassin."

"A Hunter? Impressive! So where do you stay now?"

"At a hotel with my friends actually."


"Yeah they're from the Hunter Exam. One of them is actually my boyfriend."

"Ohh that's cute!" After she said that I heard her mumble something to herself but I could really understand. "Can I meet these friends of yours?"

"Oh yeah of course. We should go now then since they're all at the hotel currently."

"Perfect!" She yelled and stood up. I got up but not as fast as her. I lead the way to the hotel and when we first got there I opened the hotel room door seeing everyone at the table. They all looked confused at first. I looked over at Jessica who was gazing at Killua which got me really made. As I was looking at Jessica I felt a pair of fingers wrapped around my chin and faced me to look at them. It was Killua and he smiled and kissed me.

"Welcome back short one." He chuckled which made me turn bright red.

"Who is she?" Leorio asked still sitting at the table.

"Oh this is Jessica. She was an old friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you Jessica. I'm Gon. This is Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio." Gon announced point at everyone as he said their name.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all!"

"Same here." Kurapika said starting to stand up. Killua only smiled and then took my hand.

"Well Jessica where are you staying for the night?" I asked her

"Oh good question. I don't really know." She said. It looked like she wanted me to let her stay here but I didn't offer. She was starting to give me bad vibes. Especially when she would flirty with Killua. It was really pissing me off and she just got here. She even knows we're dating.

"I'm sure we can make room for the night here!" Gon said

"Oh really? That would be great!"

"Is the couch fine?" I asked

"Yeah that's perfect."

We all decided we should go out for dinner since no one wanted to cook. We went to a nice restaurant not to far from our hotel. Killua sat between me and Jessica and Gon was across from Killua sitting between Kurapika and Leorio. Everytime I looked over at Killua, Jessica was always trying to get his attention by either touching his hand or rubbing up against his shoulder. In my opinion they were a little too close.

Killua's pov~

When we were at dinner Jessica or whatever her name was kept getting all close to me it was weird. I was really starting not to like her because it was obvious me and y/n were dating but she didn't care. I put my hand on y/n's thigh so we would both feel more comfortable but Jessica just wouldn't stop.

"Sorry guys but me and y/n are gonna leave. She is feeling to well." She looked over at me and I winked at her which made her smile.

"Then we will all leave." Leorio told us

"No the rest of you stay here. Just bring some food back if you want."

"Okay then. See you two later." Gon said

"Bye y/n! Bye Killua!" Jessica said in a weird tone when she said my voice. I then put y/n on my back and walked out of the restaurant. Once we reached the hotel we both actually laid in bed instead.

"Why does that Jessica girl not know what personal space is?" I ranted to y/n

"I was wondering the same thing. She is really annoying me."

"I don't blame you. Hopefully she is leaving tomorrow."' I yawned. Y/n then started playing with my hair which made me sleepy. I cuddled up next to her and slowly closed my eyes as she did the same.


i was getting mad writing this 😭

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