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"Eva, I'm tired. Do we really have to do this now?" Maeve Brody whined as she trudged down to the Dining Chamber in a Puddlemere United training hoodie, black and white tartan pyjama bottoms, and blue, fluffy slippers.

"Yes, we have to do this now! I don't really want anyone to find out I have a dragon, Maeve, it is illegal." Eva Hansson whisper shouted at her best friend as she stormed towards the white, oak doors in a grey vest top, black jogging bottoms, a grey, fluffy dressing gown, and a pair of flip flops that hadn't left the bottom of her trunk until now.

"I guess you do have a point the-," they were just about to push open the door to the Dining Chamber when they noticed the black smoke seeping from underneath it. "I think we found her."

Leviosa, Eva's miniature Swedish Shortsnout, was flying around a burning table. As soon as the dragon saw Eva, she flew over and hid in her pocket as if she knew that what she had done was wrong. Eva looked over at Maeve as if she wanted her to fix everything, but just as Maeve pulled out her wand there was the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the corridor. Madam Maxine rushed into the Dining Chamber and started shouting in French. The girls bowed their heads knowing that this was the last straw, of course, they'd played pranks before but this looked like they were trying to burn down the school. They couldn't explain how it had happened because that would mean exposing that they'd been harbouring an illegal dragon which definitely had direr consequences.

That night, both Maeve Brody and Eva Hansson were expelled from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Maeve had never seen her mother and father so angry, all the girls on her mother's side of the family had gone to Beauxbaton. Once Sean and Mirren Brody had calmed down they decided that she would start at Hogwarts for her sixth year, Maeve had always wanted to go there just like her two older brothers. Conor was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and a Chaser, then he became one of the Chasers for Puddlemere United. Aidan was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and a Beater, then he became an Auror. The whole going to Beauxbatons thing was to keep her grandmother and mother happy. Her dad's side of the family were all muggles and not allowed to know about the Wizarding World, her dad was Irish so that's where she lived.

Eva's parents were purebloods and already thought she was a disappointment, this was just another thing to add to the list of reasons why she wasn't the perfect pureblood daughter. However this time it was different when she returned to her family's home in Paris, her trunks by the door with a note.

Dear Evangeline Hansson,

We have concluded that you will never stop making a mockery of the Hansson name. First becoming friends with that dirty half-breed, then the amount of trouble you caused at Beauxbatons, and now you've gone and gotten yourself expelled. Plus countless other embarrassing actions. We will stand for this no longer. We have business to attend to in Switzerland, we had Winny pack your things, and we expect you to be gone before we return.

Emeline Hansson and Elias Hansson.

Tears rolled down the blonde's flushed cheeks, she knew it was bound to happen at some point and she barely even uttered a word to her parents anymore, but that didn't mean that this wasn't a shock. She walked into the living room and threw the silvery powder into the fireplace, the flames roared green. She stepped in and shouted to go to the Brody house. As soon as she stepped out of their fireplace, Mirren Brody came over to her the remanence of tears warranting a bone-crushing hug from the woman. Maeve had made her way downstairs as soon as she heard the sound of someone flooing in.

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