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I walked out of my dorm room more determined than I'd felt in weeks. I could ask him, you know, defy the stereotype that women have to wait around for men to ask them on dates. I could definitely do that, as long I didn't fall down the stairs due to my legs shaking or throw up or forget how to speak first. 

I got to the bottom of the stairs and there they all were, the four Marauders, Lily, Alice and Marlene. As soon as they saw me Alice and Marlene rushed over uttering words of apology and begging for forgiveness. I told them not to worry and gave some half-hearted excuse for my exit that they seemed to believe. With a final sorry the three of them rushed upstairs to get ready for dinner. Remus smiled when he saw me, the rest of his friends took it as a queue to go upstairs.

"Sirius, didn't we have that thing?" James asked.

"What thing?" James punched his shoulder and gestured between me and Remus, "Oh, that thing. Yeah, let's go, come on Pete." The three boys made a not-so-subtle exit from the Common Room.

"Merlin, they wouldn't know discreet if it hit them in the face." Remus chuckled, if I hadn't been internally screaming in panic I probably would've laughed too. "Everything okay, Eva?"

"Oh, um, yeah... I did want to ask you something though." I said as I took a seat beside him on the sofa.

"Oh, really? I needed to ask you something too." He was smiling brightly and for a second I thought he might ask me.

"You can go first."

"Have you done that transfiguration essay McGonagall set on Wednesday? I have no idea where to start, it's a particularly hard one, don't you think? I love McGonagall but I swear she is giving us less and less guidance on each essay." 

I leaned further back into the sofa and groaned involuntarily. "Are you ever going to ask me to the ball?" I smacked my hand over my mouth surprised at my own words.


"No, ignore that. I didn't mean it." I got up to walk away. "Why did I say that?" I muttered under my breath, Remus grabbed my hand so that I would turn and face him.

"I've wanted to ask you." 

"Then why haven't you?" I sat back down beside him so that we were eye to eye.

"I don't know, I've almost asked you about a hundred times in the last couple of weeks, I've just been too scared."

"I would've said yes." I turned my face away and began to fiddle with my hands in my lap.

"That's good to know. And now?" He asked his tone suddenly becoming very serious, he brought his hand to my face to gently turn my head. "Will you go to the ball with me?" He repeated.

I don't think either of us realised we were slowly closing the gap between our faces until there were mere centimetres between us. I didn't answer the question, instead, I closed the gap between us lightly placing my lips on his. I intended it to be a peck, but Remus had other ideas as he deepened the kiss by placing both hands on my face then he moved them to my waist. The ended when a group of first-year boys came bounding down the stairs to go to dinner.

"Yes." I knew that my answer wasn't really needed, that was conveyed by Remus' confused look.

However, I didn't feel the need to elaborate so I stood up, so I stood up, leaving Remus in the common room with a faint smile on his face. My heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as I began making my way up the stairs to my dorm. The staircases shifted and creaked beneath my feet, seeming to echo the pounding of my own heart. Replaying the scene in my mind, I reached the door to our dormitory and took a deep breath. The prospect of sharing the news with my friends made me feel both giddy and apprehensive.

"So... How did it go?" Marlene asked.

"How did what go?" I feigned ignorance.

"Oh come on, Eva. Spill." Alice commanded. I was shocked by her directness and my face must have conveyed this. "Sorry, I'm just invested."

"Well, Alice, I will have to change my answer to your question earlier. I am going to the ball with someone."

"Eva, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you." Maeve beamed, bringing me into a hug.

"I'm really happy for you too, but can we go down for dinner now? I am starving." Marlene remarked whilst rubbing her stomach.

【Lover Boy ↠ James Potter】Where stories live. Discover now