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James Potter sat in the compartment he and his friends always sat in, his cheeks were still flushed after the departure of the brunette with the most breathtaking blue eyes.

"Prongs, she's gone you can stop blushing now." Sirius Black said from opposite him.

"I've never seen them before, who do you think they are?" James questioned.

"The brunette was definitely Irish and the blonde sounded French. Looked like Moony made an impression, the blonde wouldn't stop looking at you." Sirius responded nudging Remus Lupin, he got no reaction from the boy with sandy brown hair.

"They're probably new. Did you see the brunette, she was stunning," James said.

"Did James "I've been in love with Lily Evans since I was 11 years old" Potter just say that?" Sirius asked faking shock.

"Well, when you get pumpkin juice thrown in your face, then called an insufferable, arrogant toe rag in front of the entire school. You kind of catch on that it's probably not gonna happen." James explained.

"Took you long enough." Peter Pettigrew muttered under his breath, James shot him a dirty look. "Even you have to admit that you should have given up five will you go out with me's in."

"I second that," Remus said briefly looking over his book.

"I third that," Sirius raised his hand. James just sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I do have to say, Prongs, I am delighted that you have gotten over Evans. We can have some fun now."

"Padfoot, just because I don't like Lily anymore doesn't mean I'm going to join you on your escapades."


"Is that even a question you need to ask?"

"Good, cause for a second I thought I was gonna have to ask Peter, and as much as I love you Wormtail you turn into a puddle of anxiety around girls and it doesn't really give the best impression. No offence, mate."

"None taken," Peter replied his mouth full of pumpkin pasty.

"Wormtail, don't sell yourself short you went on a date with Annie Wilcox last year, Prongs never got anyone of the opposite gender into the Three Broomsticks," Remus said putting his book down and becoming fully involved in the conversation.

"Annie Wilcox?" James questioned.

"Hufflepuff in the year below," Peter answered looking quite flustered.

"Nice one Pete, didn't know you had it in you," Sirius said clapping him on the shoulder.

"I may not have gone on any dates last year, but I think my luck might change this year." He looked out the compartment door hoping that the brunette from before might walk past.

"Whatever you say Prongsy, whatever you say," Sirius said looking at his best friend who looked like a lost puppy.


Maeve and Eva had found a compartment shortly after their run-in with the four boys and eventually found the bathrooms so they could change into their new robes. The Hogwarts Express was just like Aidan and Conor had described, although Maeve was yet to see the infamous trolley lady.

"Do you think any of the house teams will have a spot open?" Maeve asked her best friend, spinning the handle of her Windsweeper 3000 in her hands nervously.

"Even if they don't, you will go up to the Quidditch Captain of our house and demand a tryout for Seeker, because you are bloody amazing at it."

"Eva, the Captain could play Seeker."

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