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Maeve was awoken by the sound of tapping on the window next to her bed. Wingardium was waiting patiently outside, a new letter tied around her leg.

Hey Maeve,

Glad to hear it's all going well and hope you smash it today. Although, I have no doubt you will.

When Conor and I were at Hogwarts we had to start sending jumpers back, we had so many. She got the idea eventually. As always I am sworn to secrecy about work, but it's nothing for you to worry about just the usual ministry mumbo jumbo. I'm glad to hear you've made some new friends, and yes I do remember James great chaser that lad and too bad on the eyes either. If you catch my drift.

Not sure what's up with Conor, I saw him last weekend and he seemed alright. Must just be you he's avoiding. Also, I think the letter is a good idea, but I'd wait a little while to her a chance to cool off.

Good luck today!

Aidan x

Maeve smiled throughout the letter, until the part about James. Her heart panged slightly at her brother's obvious insinuation. She decided to write him back later that day, once she knew the outcome of her tryout. At the thought she sprung up from her bed, only now noticing that the room was completely empty. With a quick check of the clock, she saw that she only had fifteen minutes to get ready and get down to the Quidditch Pitch.

"Why did no one wake me!" She shouted to no one.

Maeve rushed around the room, banging into various desks and drawers as she pulled on her clothes. Once ready she made her way out of the common room and started into a full-on sprint down to the Quidditch Pitch. Waiting at the entrance to the castle was Alice, who commented how out of breath and late she was, Maeve didn't reply as she was trying to catch her breath before the tryout began.


"Well done, everyone. You all did really well, but obviously, there is only space for four of you." James announced to the hopefuls, "The positions are as follows: Myself, Longbottom and Alice MacDonald as our three chasers."

Maeve squeezed Alice's hand in celebration but she was too busy gleaming at Frank to pay attention to much else.

"Black and Dirk Cresswell as our beaters, our keeper is Davey Gudgeon and as our seeker Maeve Brody. Any issues I don't care, so try again next year." A smile spread widely across Maeve's face and Alice pulled her into a quick hug before bounding off to talk to Frank.

As the crowd dispersed, there were many grunts of displeasure and promises to make it next year. Eventually, the only two people left were James and Maeve. He was wrestling with a bludger to try and get it back into its trunk. Maeve rushed over to assist him.

"Thanks for that, those things are awful to try and get back in," James said wiping a layer of sweat from his brow.

"No worries, I owe you one for putting me on the team."

"You owe me nothing, that third-year couldn't tell the difference between a Snitch and a goalpost."

"Ah, so I was just the best of a pretty bad bunch then."

"Of course not, that kid was shocking, yes, but you were also amazing." Maeve didn't reply she just smiled brightly. "About yesterday..." James scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, Frank said he didn't think Emmy would show and surprise surprise no Emmy."

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. Last year she barely got five feet above the ground before throwing up." James chuckled at the memory.

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