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Maeve stirred, the remnants of a restless night still clinging to her. As she blinked away sleep, the weight of her anxiety settled heavily in her chest. Today was the day she was meeting James in Diagon Alley. Her gaze lingered on the familiar sights of her room, the weathered wooden furniture adorned with trinkets, the shelves filled with well-worn books, and the colourful Christmas lights from her tree casting shadows on her white walls. But today, even the comfort of her sanctuary failed to ease the butterflies dancing in her stomach. Slipping out from beneath the cosy covers, Maeve walked to the window, she pushed aside the curtain and gazed out at the rolling hills glistening with a fresh layer of snow. In that moment of calmness, she couldn't help but replay the memory of the Hogwarts Express journey home, the fleeting moment with James that had left her with so many questions. Determined to shake off the unease, Maeve made her way downstairs to join her family for breakfast. The familiar smells of freshly brewed tea and sizzling bacon greeted her as she entered the warm kitchen. Her parents were already busy themselves with household chores, and Conor and Aidan were engaged in a heated debate about the upcoming Quidditch season.

Aidan glanced up from his plate, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "So, Maeve," he began, a troublesome grin playing on his lips, "heading off to meet James Potter today, huh?"

Maeve felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as she shot Aidan a playful glare. "How did you...?"

"Oh, come on, Maeve," Aidan teased, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Eva mentioned it, and you weren't exactly subtle about it when he sent that letter."

Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as she attempted to brush off his teasing. "It's not like that, Aidan. We're just friends."

Her brother's grin widened. "Friends who almost kissed on the Hogwarts Express? That's some friendship, Dot."

Maeve groaned, burying her face in her hands, reminding herself to kill Eva later. Conor chuckled from across the table. "Leave her alone, Aid," Conor chimed in. "She's nervous enough as it is."

Aidan relented, but not without a parting jab. "Have fun trying to keep your composure, Maeve. Merlin knows you'll need it!"

Rolling her eyes, Maeve shot back, "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Aidan. You're a real gem."

Despite her brother's teasing, Maeve appreciated the banter. It served as a welcome distraction from the jumble of emotions swirling within her. Maeve retreated to her room after breakfast, the remnants of family chatter and Aidan's teasing still lingering in her mind. As she sifted through her wardrobe, deliberating over what to wear, a soft knock on the door interrupted her musings.

"Come in," Maeve called out, turning to see Eva peeking through the partially open door, a sheepish expression on her face.

"Maeve, I'm sorry about Aidan and Conor," Eva began, her eyes reflecting genuine remorse. "They were asking about our plans yesterday and when I got cagey, they pried it out of me. I didn't think they'd say anything."

Maeve glanced at Eva, her heart warming at her friend's earnest apology. "It's alright, Eva. They were just teasing," she chuckled softly, trying to ease Eva's concern.

Eva stepped into the room, her features etched with concern. "I didn't mean for it to make you more nervous. Are you okay?"

Maeve nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm alright. Just a bit jittery, you know? Meeting James after... well, everything."

"I understand," Eva replied, her gaze filled with empathy. "But you've got this, Maeve." Maeve felt a swell of gratitude for Eva's unwavering support.

Together, they rummaged through Maeve's wardrobe, deliberating over various outfit options. Eventually, Maeve settled on a cream cable-knit sweater, a black mini-skirt, black tights, her brown platform boots and her brown suede coat.

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