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For the first time, I walked into the Great Hall clad in my red and gold Quidditch robes with a new sense of House pride I'd never had before. Although, I would be lying if I said I wasn't completely terrified. I felt as though everyone was expecting something spectacular just because of Aidan and Conor and I couldn't help but think that I would never be able to live up to the legacy they'd left behind.

What's that fancy English term? Pathetic fallacy? If that's right then that's what was happening. The rain that pelted the hall's large windows also fell from the enchanted ceiling, stopping just before it could reach our heads. Dark, brooding clouds swallowed any attempts the sun made to shed light on the Hogwarts' grounds. It was completely and utterly gloomy. And that's exactly how I felt. Completely and utterly gloomy. With the addition of course of some crippling anxiety, fear, terror and maybe a hint of excitement when I didn't feel like I was going to be sick.

I was planning to run out of the Great Hall, pack my things and hide in Ireland, but James beckoned me over and declared we needed a team meeting before the match. I sat beside him twisting my hands in my lap.

"I know this isn't the weather we were expecting, but we will be absolutely fine. We've practised way harder than them lot, so I know we've got this in the bag." he slung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side, if only he knew how much I needed that nonchalant gesture.

After a silent breakfast, our team rose from the Gryffindor table. I tried to combat my shaking hands by squeezing them in fists at my sides. I let the rest of the team walk ahead, not wanting to engage in the pre-game natterings of those who were far more prepared than me. The only person not in front of me was James, he was actually nowhere to be seen at that moment. I began the panic until I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"You haven't eaten anything, Brody." He stated passing me a piece of toast, "can't have you fainting and falling off your broom." I mumbled a thank you and took it from him.

"I'm so nervous."

"Did you not listen to my epic speech in there? We've got this and you're a key part of the reason why."

"I just don't want to disappoint you... all."

"You could never disappoint me, Maeve." His lighthearted demeanour morphed into one of pure sincerity.

We walked down to the Quidditch pitch side by side, being blown about by the harsh winds and drenched by the heavy rain. I began wringing my hands once again. How the hell was I going to see the snitch in this weather? I could barely see Sirius, let alone a tiny, gold ball.

I guess James could sense my anxiety, as he silently grabbed my hand and began to rub soothing circles on the back with his thumb. 

As we walked onto the pitch, the Gryffindor stand roared with cheers. Something about it made me feel less terrified and more excited.

"You lot ready?" James' voice echoed over the rain, his eyes ablaze with fiery determination. "We've got this!"

With a powerful surge, we soared up into the air. The wind whipped past me as I ascended, the Quaffle thrown into play marking the start of a fierce game against Hufflepuff.

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