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"So you're going there now?" Eva asked.

"Yeah, he asked me to. Do you think I should take him some food, or do they get the same stuff in the Hospital Wing?" I questioned whilst piling various pastries into a napkin.

"I imagine that it's the same, but I don't really understand why you are going. Won't his friends be visiting him?"

"He said they'll go in the afternoon, and like I said, he asked me too." Before Eva could reply I grabbed the pastry-filled napkin and left the Great Hall.

The early morning sunlight filtered through the narrow windows of Hogwarts Castle, casting a warm glow across the stone floor as I made my way to James. The familiar scent of medicinal herbs greeted me as soon as I walked into the room, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed potions. Madam Pomfrey looked up from her desk, her gaze diligent but welcoming.

"I'm here to see James," I announced.

Madam Pomfrey nodded understandingly and pointed toward the row of beds. "You know where he is."

I approached the bed where James lay, looking surprisingly pale against the crisp white sheets. His face lit up as he saw me, a weak but genuine smile breaking through the fatigue.

"Hey, Brody," he greeted, his voice softer than usual.

"Hey," I replied, my voice laced with worry at his weak appearance. "How are you feeling?"

"Surviving," he chuckled shakily. "Much better now that you're here."

I couldn't help but smile, grateful for the small comfort my presence seemed to bring him. In my hands, I held the napkin filled with pastries – a mix of flaky croissants and cherry danishes.

"I brought these for you," I said, presenting them. "I wasn't sure about the hospital food, so I thought you might appreciate something different."

James's eyes sparkled with gratitude as he took the napkin. "You're a lifesaver, Brody. Madam Pomfrey's potions can only do so much for my appetite. How did you know cherry danishes were my favourite?"

"There's never any left for the rest of us when you're around." I chuckled earning a gentle nudge on the shoulder from the injured boy in front of me.

I settled into the chair beside his bed, and we chatted about inconsequential things, trying to momentarily escape the weight of his injuries. The red curtains provided a semblance of privacy, cocooning us in a space where the outside world felt momentarily distant.

"You better get going, you'll be late for potions," James warned.

"Oh crap, I do. I'll see you later." I said rushing to gather my things, I gave James a quick peck on the cheek before rushing towards my lesson.

My footsteps echoed through the corridor as I weaved through the corridors down to the castle's dungeons. The castle seemed to echo with my hurried footsteps, the flickering torchlight casting fleeting shadows on the stone walls. Turning a corner, I nearly collided with Lily, her fiery red hair a beacon in the dimly lit corridor.

"Maeve there you are!" Lily exclaimed, her emerald eyes widening in surprise. "Eva said you went to see James, how is he doing?"

"Much better -" I stopped dead in my tracks, the memory of my exit from James' bedside hitting me like a bitter cold breeze. I had kissed him on the cheek. As I stood in the corridor with Lily and Alice, the memory replayed in my mind like a scene from a Pensieve. I could feel the softness of his skin under my lips, subconsciously, my finger swept across my lip as if my brain were trying to replicate the sensation again.

"Everything okay Maeve?" Alice asked interrupting my thoughts, "We lost you for a second there."

"Yeah, sorry, just... caught up in my thoughts. Quidditch accidents and all." I thought that my evasiveness was enough to subdue my friends' questions, however, Alice looked at me with a twinkle in her eye that suggested she didn't quite buy my story.

"I know, it was horrible to watch. Just seeing him fall like that." Lily said shivering slightly at the thought.

We reached the entrance to the potions classroom, the door already slightly ajar. As I stepped through, I saw Sirius Black lounging in the seat usually occupied by his ebony-haired best friend.

"What are you doing in James' seat, Black?" I inquired taking my seat beside him.

"Well, both Moony and Prongs are incommunicado, so I will be your partner today." He smiled smugly.

"Great," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, Brody?"

My reply was interrupted by the abrupt entrance of our Potions Master stomping in from his office.

"Today we will be studying... actually I'll let you figure that out yourselves. Each one of you will have a chance to come up and note down your observations of the potion, the appearance, the smell and such."

Slughorn began reading off each of our names, after each person smelt the potion they turned back with a dazed expression and reddish tint dusting their cheeks.

"Miss Brody."

I headed to the front of the room, my parchment and quill poised and ready to write everything down. The potion had a mother-of-pearl sheen and the steam rose from it in spirals. Amortentia. The scent of leather quidditch gloves, freshly squeezed orange juice and cedar wood overwhelmed my senses. I recognised it almost instantly, heat rushed up the back of my neck and I could feel my ears burning. Yet, the scent was so comforting like a cosy blanket and crackling fireplace, I almost didn't want to leave its warm embrace.

"Care to share?" Sirius asked as I returned to my seat.

"Nope." I responded popping the 'p'.

【Lover Boy ↠ James Potter】Where stories live. Discover now