Chapter 22 - A Blade in the storm part 1

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Chapter 22 - A Blade in the storm part 1

It wasn't long before he woke up from his sleep rubbing his eyes knocking off his blanket as he stretched his arms letting out a loud yawn before looking around the room trying to focus but his eyes went wide as he looked around his person then the floor sighing a sigh of relief "ah there it is, damn the page is lost but no matter i know where we left off he was being tied up in the dungion-"

He sniffed the air again "there it is again the smell of untainted blood but where is it coming from?"

Kendor stood up walking out of his library with a slight stagger still stretching as he went, the smell was strong in Nicolas's room as he poked his nose inside noticing that Nicolas was busy writing down notes in blue bits of paper, with a confirmed smile and nod he sighed again not long before walking away his head held high "well it would seem he got what he wanted in the end"

But something felt off to him as he sniffed the air again "that's odd, i thought the scent would lead from the door but it leads from.... no-"

He was quick enough to dash down the hall forcing the door open with a hard clang as he looked in around the room, the air felt cold to his skin and only her scent could be smelt all over as she started to move in her sleep turning on her back and part of her bed cover came off, he smiled at her as he walked over to her taking carful note her neck, nothing was there apart from her smooth king and yet again he sighed knowing that all was well and decided to cover her up with the sheet but stopped when he saw something small and red on her dress, it was a tiny speck but enough for him to notice, his fist by his side clenched as he covered her up he left the room closing the door behind him, he took a couple of deep breaths before continuing his slow walk towards Nicolas's room, with each step he felt calm and relaxed until he walked through the door seeing Nicolas.

"Nicolas can i have a word please"

Nicolas looked over his shoulder at Kendor waiting in the door way but to Nicolas something seemed calm about his demeanour but too calm for his liking, Nicolas sighed placing his pencil on the table "i know that calm look, what have i-"

It was a quick right hook coming in from the right striking him in the jaw knocking him sideways causing him to fall flat against the floor, Nicolas looked up holding his jaw but before he could say another word he picked up and thrown against the book shelves pinned against it, he landed with a hard thump as some of his books feel off and instruments as well clanging to the floor "i guess i deserve this"

Kendor snarled at Nicolas his eyes glowed yellow and his scales grew in size and colour and a smoke flowed from his mouth "HOW ARE YOU EVEN TOUCH HER LIKE THAT!"

Nicolas sighed "i had no choice Kendor"

Kendor slammed him again hard causing more books and instruments to fall off "YOU COULD HAVE TAKEN YOUR BOTTLES, GONE OUT HUNTING OR EVEN ASKED FUCKING ISSAC!"

Nicolas took a deep calm breath before he started to talk "Calm down, you know when your this overheated you think irrationally"

Again Kendor snarled and a small puff of fire singed the side of Nicolas's cheek, his voice was low and deep "i'll show you how over heated a dragon can be"

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