Chapter 22 - A Blade in the storm Part two

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Chapter 22 - A Blade in the storm Part two

Kendor was standing watching Nicolas pour out a hot cup of tea that Alinson had not long made for them, he was sitting down in his comfy chair while Nicolas chose to stand, the aroma of the tea smelled like a mixture of honey and elderflower but the air was tense when she walked in earlier as when Kendor jumped to his feet asking how she was but all she could do was smile a genuine smile saying all was ok and that tea was ready but he couldn't take a sip of the tea know the man who poured it had bitten into and still hasn't told her the truth but kept her believing it was only a dream as he sighed "you could have told her that you bit her"

Nicolas stopped pouring and placed two sugars in his cup giving a stir as it clinked against the side of the cup with the spoon placing it on the saucer "so you keep saying, if she found out she might leave then where would you be?"

Kendor placed one hand on his chest with his finger tips "Me? what are you talking about?"

Nicolas sighed as he walked over to the fire "come now we both know you like her, besides I get the feeling there is more you want to ask about what happened years ago"

Kendor nodded "yes I do, how did you manage to pierce her skin with your fangs?"

Nicolas shrugged "not sure how it works, it just does, it was only three days into me turning I still couldn't believe what had happened or what I was becoming, she my first victim so to speak, it took another three days to work out that I needed a minimum a vile of blood a day, any blood, that it would be three days if I were to go out of control you know the rest"

Kendor nodded "aye i know alright, when i found you, you were in a right state, frenzied that you nearly went for me, i guess that whole thing about first impressions was rubbish"

Nicolas nodded as he paced the room "like I said I kept it a reminder of what happened that night, I figured it was the last"

Kendor sat forward "you mean it wasn't?"

Nicolas sighed "No, your council members decreed that I should be there lackey in case more incidents should show up"

Kendor waited "I didn't hear about that" (would it be wasn't told or informed?)

 Nicolas walked up and down the length of the fire as he took a sip of his tea "they didn't like it when your father didn't bring back Edwind's body as proof, they try to claim that me, him and the two guards were covering up evidence"

Kendor placed the cup on the table with both arms on his knee and fingers on his chin leaning forward "but that doesn't explain why even my own father didn't tell me at the time"

Nicolas smiled slightly but it was a first for Nicolas as Kendor noticed that it was a smile of admiration, it made him wonder what it was about "he didn't want to tell you because the less you knew the better"


There was a strange noise that made Kendor look towards the door only to see Issac upside down on the ceiling walking around with a cup of tea, Kendor looked on more confused as he sighed "you know Issac, you defy all the laws of physics. And Yet the liquid in your cup is defying  the law of gravity, by not falling on my books. or ruining my carpet. Not that I want my books to be spoiled and staining my carpet."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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