Chapter 12

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WARNING: In this chapter, Rosalee gets attacked by a guy at the party

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WARNING: In this chapter, Rosalee gets attacked by a guy at the party. He forces himself into her, but nothing else happens. Still, if you are sensitive to this kind of material, I recommend you skip. I'll let you know when the part comes.


Once I figured out I was okay, Newt started pulling me up. Minho helped by grabbing my other arm, effortlessly pulling me into the other crumpled building where we had escaped. Now that I was standing on sturdy ground again, I collapsed into his arms and began to cry. That was the scariest moment in my life, other than me waking up in the Box, having no clue where I was or who I was or fighting slimy Grievers. I legitimately saw my life flash before my eyes. It was horrifying. Not just about me almost falling to my death, but the aftermath. Newt. I couldn't imagine how he would've been like if I had just left him like that. Not on purpose, that is.

Newt gently pulled me back so he could wipe my tears away.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

Taking in a deep breath, I replied in a shaky voice, "Yeah."

Everyone looked to the building expectantly for Thomas and Brenda to come, but they weren't there. Where were they? We kept waiting, and waiting, but nothing happened. No Brenda, no Thomas. Were they going to find a different way since there was no zipline anymore?

Suddenly, the building we were just at exploded. We all jumped back, letting out a few gasps as we watched it go up in flames. I glanced to Newt with a worried expression, then to Jorge, who had that same void look. My expression instantly contorted into anger.

"Let's go," he said, ignoring my showing signs of malice and turned to walk.

"What?" Teresa asked, sounding worried.

"Wait, what about Thomas? And uh, Brenda, of course," Frypan added.

"If they made it out alive, then they'll be heading in the same direction we are. There's tunnels we can follow that'll lead us to a small town. So let's not waste any time, hermano."

"We're not going with you," I retorted.

Jorge stopped and turned to look at me, slightly tilting his head down to meet my gaze. Everyone was staring at me since I was the one who said it.

"What do you mean? Do you have a death wish or something?"

"Listen to me, you crazy son of a bitch!" I growled. "I don't know what kind of stunt you decided to pull back there, but you are absolutely insane! You hung us upside down, almost got us killed and tried giving us back to some slintheads who wanted to experiment on us for a damn cure! So do you really think we're going to trust you and expect us to follow you!"

Nobody said anything after my little rant. Newt even gazed at me with a surprised expression. Jorge glanced up toward the ceiling, thinking. I waited for his response with my arms crossed, fuming.

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