Chapter 11

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The next thing the gang and I knew, we were all hanging upside down on ropes above a pit with blue lighting coming from above. Well, at least they weren't going to kill us. But keeping us here hanging upside down was still just as bad. I started getting a headache from the blood rushing to my brain, my hands and legs started to go numb and I was pretty sure I was going to pass out.

"Good plan, Thomas," Minho said sarcastically. " 'Just hear what the man has to say.' Really working out for us-"

"Shut up, Minho. I swear to God," I snapped.

Everyone thought of ideas out loud, but we couldn't really do anything. I tried to reach up to grab the rope holding onto me, seeing if I could start climbing. But I didn't have enough strength to do that. It wore me out faster. Gah, I should've been a Builder in the Glade when I had the chance! Then, a figure of Jorge stepped out of the shadows, carrying a cane with him.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked in a witty tone. That gave me a reason to want to punch him more than usual.

"The hell do you want?" Thomas asked curtly.

This didn't seem to offend him. He smiled widely in response.

"That is the question," he pointed out, almost enthusiastic. "My men want to sell you back to W.I.C.K.E.D. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not, either."

"Is the blood rushing to my head, or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho wondered out loud purposely for him to hear.

Jorge walked out in front of where Minho hung, glared at him for a couple of seconds and proceeded to walk along the edge, eyeing Thomas with curiosity.

"Tell me what you know about The Right Arm."

I glanced at him, confused by what he just demanded. Why would he be interested if he didn't believe in The Right Arm?

"I thought you said they were ghosts," Newt reminded, hearing his voice behind me.

Jorge turned to him with a sly expression on his face. He waved his cane around, taunting us with it.

"I happen to believe in ghosts," Jorge spoke, letting a smirk creep onto his face. "Especially when I hear them chattering among the airwaves."

Jorge went over to a lever by Teresa. I examined the ropes where it's attached to and followed them up until I realized that it was the only thing holding us up. Jorge put his hand on it, making my eyes go wide. He pointed the cane he was carrying directly at Thomas.

"You tell me what you know, then maybe we could make a deal," he suggested.

I diverted my eyes over to Thomas, hoping he would cooperate, and so was everybody else.

"We don't know much," Thomas spoke truthfully.

Jorge had an expression like he didn't believe him. Suddenly, in an unexpected move, he pushed down on the lever. I let out a scream from the sudden drop as it scared me, and so did a few others. When we came to a sudden halt, the rope yanked at my ankles painfully, making them hurt even more.

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